github graphql/graphiql @graphiql/react@0.8.0

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21 months ago

Minor Changes

  • #2636 62317e0b Thanks @thomasheyenbrock! - BREAKING:
    • The ExecutionContextProvider and QueryEditor components no longer accept the externalFragments prop. Instead the prop can now be passed to the EditorContextProvider component. The provider component will normalize the prop value and provide a map of type Map<string, FragmentDefinitionNode> (using the fragment names as keys) as part of the value of the EditorContext.
    • The QueryEditor component no longer accept the validationRules prop. Instead the prop can now be passed to the EditorContextProvider component. The provider component will provide the list of validation rules (empty if there are none) as part of the value of the EditorContext.
    • The ExecutionContextProvider and HeaderEditor components no longer accept the shouldPersistHeaders prop. Instead the EditorContextProvider component now provides the value of its equally named prop as part of the value of the EditorContext.

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