github graphprotocol/graph-node v0.24.2

latest releases: v0.35.1-rc.1, v0.35.1-rc.0, canary-substreams-index-module-e532c3135...
2 years ago

This release only adds a fix for an issue where certain GraphQL queries
could lead to graph-node running out of memory even on very large
systems. This release adds code that checks the size of GraphQL responses
as they are assembled, and can warn about large responses in the logs
resp. abort query execution based on the values of the two new environment
GRAPH_GRAPHQL_ERROR_RESULT_SIZE. It also adds Prometheus metrics
query_result_size and query_result_max to track the memory consumption
of successful GraphQL queries. The unit for the two environment variables
is bytes, based on an estimate of the memory used by the result; it is best
to set them after observing the Prometheus metrics for a while to establish
what constitutes a reasonable limit for them.

We strongly recommend updating to this version as quickly as possible.

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