github graphile/crystal v4.9.0

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3 years ago

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Bug Fixes

  • 🚨 BREAKING FIX: root level custom query connection fields now nullable (#653) (131c6ac)
  • types: update next function for Express compatability (#1343) (0420c95) (thanks @purge)

🚨 The above "breaking fix" will affect you if you have any custom queries that return SETOF and result in a connection. These should always have been nullable according to our documentation and GraphQL best practices, however they were incorrectly marked as non-nullable. This has been fixed, but it means you may now receive field-level nulls where previously the entire operation would have been invalidated if an error occurs, so you may need to adjust your code to match. If you're using graphql-code-generator, like in Graphile Starter, then tracking these down should be just a case of working through the TypeScript errors, replacing data?.myFunction.nodes with data?.myFunction?.nodes (and similar for edges, pageInfo, totalCount and any other fields you have on connections).

For details of how to opt-out of this breaking fix and why it's not treated as a semver-major change, please see #653.


  • allow overriding init fail handling (#1342) (b06142a)
  • intervals now return zeros instead of nulls (#656) (2739f79)
  • improve error when cannot read from enum table (#651) (dbafe55)
  • add UUID validation so errors are raised earlier (#652) (9265262)
  • upgraded a load of dependencies

If you run multiple PostGraphile instances in one Node instance, this first enhancement might be something you've been hoping for for a while. It gives you a way to handle "fatal errors" that occur whilst building the initial GraphQL schema; you can specify a callback that gets called in these cases and choose how to handle it: exit the process, retry after a custom delay, give up and unmount this instance. For more details, see #1342.

Another common request is previously interval types returned null for fields that weren't used in the interval:

  "days": null,
  "hours": null,
  "minutes": null,
  "months": null,
  "seconds": 12,
  "years": null,

In 4.9.0 we now use zeros instead (as you'd probably expect), thanks to an update to the postgres-interval module:

  "days": 0,
  "hours": 0,
  "minutes": 0,
  "months": 0,
  "seconds": 12,
  "years": 0,

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