github graphile/crystal v4.0.0-rc.3
RC3, TypeScript edition

latest releases: pgl5b21, v4.14.0, v4.13.0...
5 years ago

RC3 is a small release with quite a lot of code churn. The reason for the churn is that the postgraphile module is now fully TypeScript, uses prettier for formatting, and has more lint rules enabled. I don't anticipate this causing any issues, but I'd rather not release v4 with such a large amount of code changed (even though it is mostly just formatting) without having the community test it first!

postgraphile-core does not have typings yet, so if you're importing into a TypeScript project feel free to grab some simple typings from here:

🙏 Thanks to my Patreon supporters for making this possible, and of course to the contributors mentioned below and everyone who has filed issues or improved the documentation! 🙏

New features:

  • add --timeout CLI option thanks to @kronken
  • TypeScript typings are now bundled thanks to @cdaringe
  • PostGraphile now uses semicolons and prettier for code formatting
  • getTypeAndIdentifiersFromNodeId was added to Build by @wieseljonas to enable replacing our default globally unique node identifier implementation with your own
  • The new plugin interface has had a few changes and is maturing

Bug fixes:

  • Error messages have been significantly improved in a couple places
  • .postgraphilerc.js will no longer have errors swallowed silently
  • An "uncaught promise rejection" error is now caught
  • The 'money' type is now consistently parsed
  • Fix an over-eager --no-ignore-rbac issue, tables with no permissions granted can now be exposed via security definer functions again (only affects people using --no-ignore-rbac)


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