github graphile/crystal v1.6.0
Better Relay mutation payloads

latest releases: v4.14.0, v4.13.0, v4.12.12...
7 years ago

This release adds better PostGraphQL support for Relay mutations. In the past, PostGraphQL didn’t always include all of the fields Relay would want in its mutations payloads, this release adds fields to the mutation payload that benefit Relay and non-Relay users alike.

The new payload types from the person table in the forum example look like so:

type InsertPersonPayload {
  person: Person
  personEdge(orderBy: PersonOrdering): PersonEdge
  clientMutationId: String
  viewer: Viewer!

type UpdatePersonPayload {
  person: Person
  clientMutationId: String
  viewer: Viewer!

type DeletePersonPayload {
  person: Person
  deletedPersonId: ID
  clientMutationId: String
  viewer: Viewer!

express-graphql Update

Another exciting feature of this release is the upgrade of a bunch of dependencies, most notably express-graphql! This brings a new version of GraphiQL which fixes a couple of bugs and now also hides GraphiQL from search engines.

With this update you can now also use PostGraphQL as Connect middleware and not just Express middleware.


  • Single item resolver correctly checks for null or empty columns—@ferdinandsalis (#65)
  • Server now correctly throws error for malformed Authorization headers—@calebmer (#71)
  • Server also now returns the correct status codes for bad JWT tokens—@calebmer (#71)

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