github gramps-project/gramps-web v24.1.0

latest releases: v25.2.0, v25.1.1, v25.1.0...
13 months ago

Happy 2024!

The first new release of the year mainly improves the data entry workflow. So far, creating a new person and adding a source citation to it required two separate steps: first creating the person and then opening edit mode and associating the citation. This can be cumbersome when adding a large number of new objects; moreover, good genealogy practice means no objects should be added without corresponding source.

The following improvements have been made to the forms for adding new objects:

  • Add person form: option to associate existing citation
  • Add event form: option to associate existing citation
  • Add place form: option to associate existing citation
  • Add source form: option to add reference to existing repository

In addition and as usual, translations have been updated by the diligent Weblate community.

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