github gramps-project/gramps-web v23.11.0

latest releases: v25.3.1, v25.3.0, v25.2.0...
16 months ago

New feature: text recognition

This first release in November 2023 brings a brand new feature: text recognition in media files directly from Gramps Web!

For any image containing printed text, e.g. the photo of a page in a book, click the "Text Recognition" button in the media object view to run optical character recognition (OCR) powered by Tesseract and display the resulting text. For users with editing permissions, a button allows directly saving the recognized text as media note.


Improved feature: show DNA matches

The DNA tab in the person view now shows a table of matches with the number of shared segments, the total size of shared DNA and the size of the largest shared segment. This feature was motivated by the analogous DNA match Gramplet that is in development.


Other improvements

Translations have been updated for numerous languages. Thanks to the Weblate community!

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