github gramps-project/gramps-web v0.22.0

latest releases: v25.1.1, v25.1.0, v24.12.2...
19 months ago

This release brings four new features, which build on improvements in Gramp Web API v1.1:

Bulk import of media files

The import view has a new button to upload a ZIP archive of media files. This is meant for uploading files where the media object already exists, but the files are not yet present on the server. This happens e.g. when you import a Gramps XML file, which has the media objects but not the files. Note that you cannot create new media objects from the uploaded files.

More descriptive error messages

The error messages shown in the interface should be more informative now. Moreover, the progress icon for long-running processes like import, search reindex or report/export generation will now also show a descriptive error messages on hover in case it fails.

System information tab

The user settings has a new tab "system information" which shows the version numbers of all relevant components and some other debug relevant information. Copying & pasting this information in every new bug report is a good idea.

Show tree quotas

The admin settings now shows a widget with the currently used media file storage and number of people vs the tree's quotas for these to parameters (by default, there quota is infinity).

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