github grame-cncm/faust 2.14.4
Faust version 2.14.4

latest releases: 2.74.6, 2.72.14, 2.72.13...
5 years ago

Change log

  • new cmake based build system.

  • new ‘soundfile’ primitive with support in several faust2xx scripts.

  • better error checking with delay parameter.

  • add -effect auto/effect.dsp parameter in several faust2xx scripts.

  • introduction of a new statement allowing to declare definition-related metadata: declare foo author "me";

  • rework libfaust API.

  • adds support for function level metadata. In order to facilitate cooperation between authors of Faust libraries, in particular the fact that multiple authors can contribute to the same library, a new declare statement is introduced: declare <function> <key> "<value>";. It allows to declare for each function of a library its own metadata, for example its author, its copyrights, its license, etc. Metadata for a function can be anywhere in the file, but we recommend placing it just before the function definition.

  • integration of SAM (SHARC Audio Module) Architecture contributed by Analog Device and Moforte.

  • adds a new option: -scn <name> or --super-class-name <name>, to change the name 'dsp' of the super class.

  • simplification of some degenerated recursive expressions. Degenerated recursions like: (!:2)~_ are simplified (in this case replace by 2).

  • simplify signals during propagations.

  • add multicast address and bundle handing in OSC architecture.

  • add AudioWorklet handling in WebAudio architectures.

  • rework Bela architecture.

  • new semantic for remainder (%) operator. The % operator is now automatically promoted to fmod when one of the two arguments is a float expression.
    TypeExtended annotation extended with a second parameter to control causality check. When this parameter is true, TypeAnnotation rejects non-causal delays. When this parameter is false, TypeAnnotation accepts non-causal delays. TypeAnnotation is called twice: before and after normalization/optimization. During the first call, the parameter is usually set to false (unless the -lcc/--local-causality-check option is passed to the compiler) in order to accept local non-causal delays that can disappear after optimization. On the second call, this parameter is always set to true in order to reject remaining non-causal delays.

  • adds new simplification rule: 0-x ==> -1*x.

  • fix concatenation of delay lines. The expressions (s@n)@m and s@(n+m) are equivalent only when n is constant.

  • add a new libfaustmachine library containing a separated interpreter.

  • new -os option (one sample code generation).

  • improvement of automatic tests (compiler and architectures).

  • numerous bug fixes in the compiler and architectures.

Known issues

We found out several issues with this release. We plan to make a new one soon.

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