github grafana/loki v2.9.3

latest releases: helm-loki-6.6.3, operator/v0.6.1, helm-loki-6.6.2...
6 months ago

This is release v2.9.3 of Loki.

Notable changes:

This release includes a few small fixes and CVE patches

  • Upgrade otelhttp from 0.40.0 -> 0.44.0 and base alpine image from 3.18.3 -> 3.18.5 to fix a few CVES (CVE-2023-45142, CVE-2022-21698, CVE-2023-5363).
  • Fix querying ingester for label values with a matcher (previously didn't respect the matcher).
  • Ensure all lifecycler cfgs ref a valid IPv6 addr and port combination


The components of Loki are currently distributed in plain binary form and as Docker container images. Choose what fits your use-case best.

Docker container:

$ docker pull "grafana/loki:2.9.3"
$ docker pull "grafana/promtail:2.9.3"


We provide pre-compiled binary executables for the most common operating systems and architectures.
Choose from the assets below for the application and architecture matching your system.
Example for Loki on the linux operating system and amd64 architecture:

$ curl -O -L ""
# extract the binary
$ unzip ""
# make sure it is executable
$ chmod a+x "loki-linux-amd64"

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