github grafana/k6-operator v0.0.16

latest releases: helm-k6-operator-3.9.1, helm-k6-operator-3.9.0, v0.0.17...
3 months ago

✨ New features

This release contains important new features for PrivateLoadZone:

  1. It is now possible to define the custom image in PrivateLoadZone. This can be useful to test with the older k6 binaries, as well with custom builds of k6. If you use a private registry and need to pass the secret to access it, imagePullSecrets can also be defined.
  2. Environment variables defined in GCk6 are now passed to PLZ test runs and can be referenced in the scripts.

The relevant PRs: 426, 429, 430.

🪛 Documentation

We made a major refactoring of documentation for the k6 Operator 🎉 Now majority of the information needed to run the k6 Operator can be accessed from Grafana k6 OSS docs over here. The link is also present in the Readme, which had been fully re-written to be more readable.

The relevant PRs: k6-docs 1559, 405. Thank you, @heitortsergent, for all the help!

Full Changelog: v0.0.15...v0.0.16

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