github grafana/beyla v2.0.6

18 hours ago

What's Changed

Bug fixes 🐛

  • Allow defining extra resource labels in prometheus by @github-actions in #1744

Due to internal limitations of the Prometheus API client, Beyla needs to know beforehand which attributes are exposed
for each metric. This would cause that some attributes that are discovered at runtime, during instrumentation, won't
be visible by default. For example, attributes defined on each application via Kubernetes annotations, or in the
target application's OTEL_RESOURCE_ATTRIBUTES environment variable.

For example, an application defining the OTEL_RESOURCE_ATTRIBUTES=deployment.environment=production as environment
variable, the target_info{deployment.environment="production"} attribute would be visible by default if the metrics
are exported via OpenTelemetry but not if they are exported via Prometheus.

To make deployment_environment visible in Prometheus, you need to add it to the prometheus > extra_resource_attributes YAML property or BEYLA_PROMETHEUS_EXTRA_RESOURCE_ATTRIBUTES environment variable.

  • Fix OTEL HTTP exclusion detection by @github-actions in #1691

Other changes/additions

Full Changelog: v2.0.5...v2.0.6

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