github gradio-app/gradio v3.5

latest releases: @gradio/video@0.8.10, @gradio/uploadbutton@0.6.11, @gradio/upload@0.11.2...
20 months ago

Version 3.5

Bug Fixes:

  • Ensure that Gradio does not take control of the HTML page title when embedding a gradio app as a web component, this behaviour flipped by adding control_page_title="true" to the webcomponent. @pngwn in PR 2400

  • Decreased latency in iterative-output demos by making the iteration asynchronous @freddyaboulton in PR 2409

  • Fixed queue getting stuck under very high load by @freddyaboulton in PR 2374

  • Ensure that components always behave as if interactive=True were set when the following conditions are true:

    • no default value is provided,
    • they are not set as the input or output of an event,
    • interactive kwarg is not set.

    @pngwn in PR 2459

New Features:

  • When an Image component is set to source="upload", it is now possible to drag and drop and image to replace a previously uploaded image by @pngwn in PR 1711
  • The gr.Dataset component now accepts HTML and Markdown components by @abidlabs in PR 2437

Documentation Changes:

Testing and Infrastructure Changes:

No changes to highlight.

Breaking Changes:

  • The Carousel component is officially deprecated. Since gradio 3.0, code containing the Carousel component would throw warnings. As of the next release, the Carousel component will raise an exception.

Full Changelog:

Contributors Shoutout:

No changes to highlight.

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