github gorhill/uBlock uBOLite_0.1.22.10207

latest releases: 1.61.0, 1.60.1rc5, 1.60.1rc4...
2 years ago

uBO Lite (uBOL), an experimental permission-less MV3 API-based content blocker.

See summary description/documentation.

Release notes


Added ability to handle entity-based CSS and scriptlet injection filters. Entity-based syntax is commonly used by filter list maintainers due to there convenience in real world scenarios.

Since the scripting API is not compatible with entity patterns, the entity-related content scripts are injected in all documents and the entity-matching is done by the content script themselves.

Given this, entity-based content scripts are enabled only when working in the Complete filtering mode, there won't be any entity-based filters injected in lesser modes.

Also, since there is no way to reasonably have access to the Public Suffix List in the content scripts, the entity-matching algorithm is an approximation, though I expect false positives to be rare (time will tell). In the event of such false positive, simply falling back to Optimal mode on the affected site will fix the issue.

Regarding network filtering, the DNR API is incompatible with entity-based approach (often used in domain= option), the only workaround is for filter list maintainers to painstakingly expand the wildcard to all required TLDs.


Fixed the no-filtering mode related rules having lower priority then redirect rules, i.e. redirect rules would still be applied despite disabling all filtering on a site.

Fixed improper detection of changes to the generic-related CSS content script, potentially causing undue delays when for example trying to access the popup panel while working in Complete mode. The scripting MV3 can be quite slow when registering/updating large content scripts, so uBOL does its best to call the API only if really needed, but there had been a regression in the recent builds preventing uBOL from properly detecting unchanged content script parameters.

Refer to log.txt to see filters which could not be converted due to MV3 incompatibility. At the moment not all discarded filters are necessarily reported in there

Install from the Chrome Web Store

Manual installation: Download the uBlock0_0.1.[...].[...] package below, unzip, navigate to chrome://extensions/ in your browser, then tell the browser to load the extension.

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