- move changelogPath down to ReleasePR (#790)
- move fork down to GitHub (#770)
- factory.run becomes factory.call
- remove GitHubRelease.labels in favor of ReleasePR.labels
- normalize configuration accross classes (#763)
- move latestTag logic to ReleasePR (#758)
- add async interator for searching commit history (#759) (f42bab1)
- add latest-tag command which will print out the detected latest tag for a branch (#765) (07e2969)
- add support for helm (#748) (c9fbf78)
- expose the release body to consumers (#789) (6848e8e)
- pull request title resource (#780) (4e7f524)
Bug Fixes
- deps: update dependency type-fest to ^0.21.0 (#768) (eb68033)
- do not change format of Python version files (#782) (10f7ab9)
- find first associate pull request (#764) (b277b89)
- github-release: release name is packageName (#757) (869f1a1)
- only add the target branch to PR title for non-default branches (#781) (00ca2ad)
- pagination: looking for pending PRs had no pagination limit (#791) (9b36d25)
- release-pr: update default initial version (#776) (5f62443)
Code Refactoring
- move changelogPath down to ReleasePR (#790) (65c4147)
- move fork down to GitHub (#770) (d25f490)
- move latestTag logic to ReleasePR (#758) (746d1c8)
- normalize configuration accross classes (#763) (44a3fd2)
- remove GitHubRelease.labels in favor of ReleasePR.labels (44a3fd2)
- rename factory.run -> call (#767) (24ecc3e)