github googleapis/python-speech v0.25.0

latest releases: v2.20.0, v2.19.0, v2.18.0...
4 years ago

This updates our manual client library to the Speech v1 API. (#3266)

This entails several backwards incompatible changes:

  • The language_code parameter is no longer optional anywhere. It must be explicitly specified, and does not default to 'en-US'.
  • The sync_recognize method has been renamed to recognize on every class where it appears.
  • The async_recognize method has been renamed to long_running_recognize on every class where it appears.
  • The sample_rate parameter and property has been renamed to sample_rate_hertz everywhere it appears.

Additionally, the backend API contains a backwards incompatible change which does not require a code change in the client library, but will likely require one downstream: The START_OF_SPEECH, END_OF_SPEECH, and END_OF_AUDIO events have been removed.

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