github googleapis/google-cloud-go functions/v1.18.0
functions: v1.18.0

1.18.0 (2024-08-13)


  • functions: Additional field on the output that specified whether the deployment supports Physical Zone Separation. (6593c0d)
  • functions: Generate upload URL now supports for specifying the GCF generation that the generated upload url will be used for. (6593c0d)
  • functions: ListRuntimes response now includes deprecation and decommissioning dates. (6593c0d)
  • functions: Optional field for binary authorization policy. (6593c0d)
  • functions: Optional field for deploying a source from a GitHub repository. (6593c0d)
  • functions: Optional field for specifying a revision on GetFunction. (6593c0d)
  • functions: Optional field for specifying a service account to use for the build. This helps navigate the change of historical default on new projects. For more details, see https (6593c0d)
  • functions: Optional fields for setting up automatic base image updates. (6593c0d)


  • functions: Refined description in several fields. (6593c0d)

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