github googleapis/google-cloud-go aiplatform/v1.7.0
aiplatform: v1.7.0

latest releases: workstations/v1.0.1, workflows/v1.12.7, websecurityscanner/v1.6.8...
2 years ago

1.7.0 (2022-03-28)


  • aiplatform: add service_account to BatchPredictionJob in aiplatform v1beta1 batch_prediction_job.proto (b01c037)
  • aiplatform: add monitoring_config to EntityType in aiplatform v1 entity_type.proto feat: add disable_monitoring to Feature in aiplatform v1 feature.proto feat: add monitoring_stats_anomalies to Feature in aiplatform v1 feature.proto feat: add staleness_days to SnapshotAnalysis in aiplatform v1 featurestore_monitoring.proto feat: add import_features_analysis to FeaturestoreMonitoringConfig in aiplatform v1 featurestore_monitoring.proto feat: add numerical_threshold_config to FeaturestoreMonitoringConfig in aiplatform v1 featurestore_monitoring.proto feat: add categorical_threshold_config to FeaturestoreMonitoringConfig in aiplatform v1 featurestore_monitoring.proto feat: add objective to MonitoringStatsSpec in aiplatform v1 featurestore_service.proto (c19b7a2)

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