github googleapis/google-cloud-go aiplatform/v1.68.0
aiplatform: v1.68.0

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20 days ago

1.68.0 (2024-06-11)


  • aiplatform/apiv1beta1: Add methods to info.go (#10288) (882fe5c)
  • aiplatform: A new field search_entry_point is added to message (ae42f23)
  • aiplatform: A new value TPU_V5_LITEPOD is added to enum AcceleratorType (#10074) (7656129)
  • aiplatform: Add cached_content to GenerationContentRequest (fac63c3)
  • aiplatform: Add ChatCompletions to PredictionService (fac63c3)
  • aiplatform: Add dataplex_config to MetadataStore (fac63c3)
  • aiplatform: Add dataplex_config to MetadataStore (fac63c3)
  • aiplatform: Add direct_notebook_source to NotebookExecutionJob (fac63c3)
  • aiplatform: Add direct_notebook_source to NotebookExecutionJob (fac63c3)
  • aiplatform: Add encryption_spec to FeatureOnlineStore (fac63c3)
  • aiplatform: Add encryption_spec to FeatureOnlineStore (fac63c3)
  • aiplatform: Add encryption_spec to NotebookRuntimeTemplate (fac63c3)
  • aiplatform: Add encryption_spec to NotebookRuntimeTemplate (fac63c3)
  • aiplatform: Add encryption_spec, service_account, disable_container_logging to DeploymentResourcePool (fac63c3)
  • aiplatform: Add encryption_spec, service_account, disable_container_logging to DeploymentResourcePool (fac63c3)
  • aiplatform: Add idle_shutdown_config, encryption_spec, satisfies_pzs, satisfies_pzi to NotebookRuntime (fac63c3)
  • aiplatform: Add idle_shutdown_config, encryption_spec, satisfies_pzs, satisfies_pzi to NotebookRuntime (fac63c3)
  • aiplatform: Add INVALID_SPARSE_DIMENSIONS, INVALID_SPARSE_EMBEDDING, INVALID_EMBEDDING to NearestNeighborSearchOperationMetadata.RecordError (fac63c3)
  • aiplatform: Add INVALID_SPARSE_DIMENSIONS, INVALID_SPARSE_EMBEDDING, INVALID_EMBEDDING to NearestNeighborSearchOperationMetadata.RecordError (fac63c3)
  • aiplatform: Add max_embedding_requests_per_min to ImportRagFilesConfig (d5150d3)
  • aiplatform: Add model_monitor resource and APIs to public v1beta1 client library (#9755) (8892943)
  • aiplatform: Add model_reference to Dataset (fac63c3)
  • aiplatform: Add model_reference to Dataset (fac63c3)
  • aiplatform: Add model_reference to DatasetVersion (fac63c3)
  • aiplatform: Add model_reference to DatasetVersion (fac63c3)
  • aiplatform: Add more fields in FindNeighborsRequest.Query (fac63c3)
  • aiplatform: Add more fields in FindNeighborsRequest.Query (fac63c3)
  • aiplatform: Add new GenAiCacheService and CachedContent (fac63c3)
  • aiplatform: Add NotebookExecutionJob resource and APIs to public v1beta1 client library (1d757c6)
  • aiplatform: Add progress_percentage to ImportRagFilesOperationMetadata (fac63c3)
  • aiplatform: Add rag_embedding_model_config to RagCorpus (d5150d3)
  • aiplatform: Add RaySpec to PersistentResource (fac63c3)
  • aiplatform: Add sparse_distance to FindNeighborsResponse.Neighbor (fac63c3)
  • aiplatform: Add sparse_distance to FindNeighborsResponse.Neighbor (fac63c3)
  • aiplatform: Add sparse_embedding to IndexDatapoint (fac63c3)
  • aiplatform: Add sparse_embedding to IndexDatapoint (fac63c3)
  • aiplatform: Add sparse_vectors_count to IndexStats (fac63c3)
  • aiplatform: Add sparse_vectors_count to IndexStats (fac63c3)
  • aiplatform: Add struct_value to FeatureValue (fac63c3)
  • aiplatform: Add struct_value to FeatureValue (fac63c3)
  • aiplatform: Add tool_config to GenerateContentRequest (fac63c3)
  • aiplatform: Add UpdateNotebookRuntimeTemplate to NotebookService (fac63c3)
  • aiplatform: Add UpdateNotebookRuntimeTemplate to NotebookService (fac63c3)
  • aiplatform: Add UpdateReasoningEngine to ReasoningEngineService (fac63c3)
  • aiplatform: Add valid_sparse_record_count, invalid_sparse_record_count to NearestNeighborSearchOperationMetadata.ContentValidationStats (fac63c3)
  • aiplatform: Add valid_sparse_record_count, invalid_sparse_record_count to NearestNeighborSearchOperationMetadata.ContentValidationStats (fac63c3)
  • aiplatform: Add ValueType.STRUCT to Feature (fac63c3)
  • aiplatform: Add ValueType.STRUCT to Feature (#10282) (fac63c3)
  • aiplatform: Added the new GenerationConfig.response_schema field (3df3c04)
  • aiplatform: Added the v1beta1 version of the GenAI Tuning Service (292e812)

Bug Fixes

  • aiplatform: An existing field app_id is renamed to engine_id in message (fac63c3)
  • aiplatform: An existing field disable_attribution is removed from message (fac63c3)
  • aiplatform: An existing field grounding_attributions is removed from message (fac63c3)
  • aiplatform: An existing message GroundingAttribution is removed (fac63c3)
  • aiplatform: An existing message Segment is removed (fac63c3)
  • aiplatform: Bump x/net to v0.24.0 (ba31ed5)
  • aiplatform: Delete the deprecated field for model monitor (1d757c6)


  • aiplatform: A comment for enum value EMBEDDING_SIZE_MISMATCH in enum RecordErrorType is changed (fac63c3)
  • aiplatform: A comment for enum value EMBEDDING_SIZE_MISMATCH in enum RecordErrorType is changed (fac63c3)
  • aiplatform: A comment for field create_notebook_execution_job_request in message is changed (fac63c3)
  • aiplatform: A comment for field description in message is changed (fac63c3)
  • aiplatform: A comment for field exec in message is changed (fac63c3)
  • aiplatform: A comment for field exec in message is changed (fac63c3)
  • aiplatform: A comment for field feature_vector in message is changed (fac63c3)
  • aiplatform: A comment for field feature_vector in message is changed (fac63c3)
  • aiplatform: A comment for field INVALID_EMBEDDING in message NearestNeighborSearchOperationMetadata.RecordError is changed (fac63c3)
  • aiplatform: A comment for field serving_config_name in message is changed (fac63c3)
  • aiplatform: A comment for field update_mask in message is changed (fac63c3)
  • aiplatform: A comment for field vectors_count in message is changed (fac63c3)
  • aiplatform: A comment for field vectors_count in message is changed (fac63c3)

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