2.56.0 (2022-08-09)
- admin: update the api 69ac3be (bef54ff)
- adsense: update the api 125ef1d (bef54ff)
- analyticsadmin: update the api 5d2a6df (bef54ff)
- authorizedbuyersmarketplace: update the api b1e8c38 (bef54ff)
- baremetalsolution: update the api 01d40f6 (bef54ff)
- beyondcorp: update the api 41eb915 (bef54ff)
- bigquery: update the api 9580b4d (bef54ff)
- blogger: update the api 8a727f6 (bef54ff)
- chat: update the api 042b80d (bef54ff)
- chromepolicy: update the api b381018 (bef54ff)
- cloudchannel: update the api 91fb069 (bef54ff)
- cloudidentity: update the api 7463513 (bef54ff)
- cloudsearch: update the api c5f6895 (bef54ff)
- cloudsupport: update the api 3c68638 (bef54ff)
- compute: update the api 678d6aa (bef54ff)
- connectors: update the api 506f96d (bef54ff)
- content: update the api f3207d6 (bef54ff)
- dataplex: update the api ce8d53d (bef54ff)
- dataproc: update the api 540292b (bef54ff)
- dlp: update the api e6503d3 (bef54ff)
- dns: update the api 13d2f8a (bef54ff)
- firebase: update the api 7f5f751 (bef54ff)
- gameservices: update the api 876284e (bef54ff)
- logging: update the api 98d2862 (bef54ff)
- monitoring: update the api 331b5c0 (bef54ff)
- notebooks: update the api d5c8eb8 (bef54ff)
- retail: update the api 929acf8 (bef54ff)
- securitycenter: update the api 70e4256 (bef54ff)
- servicedirectory: update the api fa2c777 (bef54ff)