2.38.0 (2022-02-22)
- admin: update the api 1759d79 (58ef3e0)
- apigee: update the api e81ff79 (58ef3e0)
- artifactregistry: update the api f75d8c1 (58ef3e0)
- authorizedbuyersmarketplace: update the api 58418b7 (58ef3e0)
- bigqueryreservation: update the api 20c79b8 (58ef3e0)
- chromepolicy: update the api 6b783b3 (58ef3e0)
- cloudasset: update the api 5c46930 (58ef3e0)
- cloudbuild: update the api 39e9bd1 (58ef3e0)
- cloudchannel: update the api 63c9fbc (58ef3e0)
- clouddeploy: update the api 7e7dd34 (58ef3e0)
- cloudfunctions: update the api 7e2bd79 (58ef3e0)
- cloudidentity: update the api 557608a (58ef3e0)
- cloudsearch: update the api 8f4100e (58ef3e0)
- composer: update the api fbea222 (58ef3e0)
- containeranalysis: update the api c15a96e (58ef3e0)
- container: update the api 09e5a74 (58ef3e0)
- datacatalog: update the api f1413c2 (58ef3e0)
- dataflow: update the api 8ade2ae (07bfa5c)
- displayvideo: update the api 97f33d8 (58ef3e0)
- documentai: update the api efca9e5 (58ef3e0)
- drive: update the api 45b2c47 (58ef3e0)
- eventarc: update the api 771a60d (58ef3e0)
- gkehub: update the api 7dbeeb5 (58ef3e0)
- iam: update the api b5e3958 (58ef3e0)
- logging: update the api 17a57cc (58ef3e0)
- memcache: update the api a788cc1 (07bfa5c)
- metastore: update the api b9a8d8e (58ef3e0)
- monitoring: update the api 0870408 (07bfa5c)
- monitoring: update the api afb7ebb (58ef3e0)
- mybusinessbusinessinformation: update the api 62cb631 (07bfa5c)
- notebooks: update the api 75118d4 (58ef3e0)
- notebooks: update the api 77c47e9 (07bfa5c)
- playintegrity: update the api eb24d8d (58ef3e0)
- privateca: update the api 6d21610 (58ef3e0)
- prod_tt_sasportal: update the api 84a51eb (07bfa5c)
- prod_tt_sasportal: update the api 9a4b433 (58ef3e0)
- pubsub: update the api affbc06 (07bfa5c)
- recommender: update the api 6200c11 (58ef3e0)
- retail: update the api 16afc79 (58ef3e0)
- sasportal: update the api b8d8b70 (58ef3e0)
- securitycenter: update the api 5785b70 (58ef3e0)
- storagetransfer: update the api 67fc272 (58ef3e0)
- storage: update the api c0ee864 (58ef3e0)
- vmmigration: update the api 359b15a (58ef3e0)