146.0.0 (2025-02-04)
- workloadmanager: This release has breaking changes.
- texttospeech: This release has breaking changes.
- testing: This release has breaking changes.
- sqladmin: This release has breaking changes.
- servicecontrol: This release has breaking changes.
- securitycenter: This release has breaking changes.
- retail: This release has breaking changes.
- redis: This release has breaking changes.
- privateca: This release has breaking changes.
- oracledatabase: This release has breaking changes.
- networkmanagement: This release has breaking changes.
- networkconnectivity: This release has breaking changes.
- merchantapi: This release has breaking changes.
- language: This release has breaking changes.
- iam: This release has breaking changes.
- gkehub: This release has breaking changes.
- firebasestorage: This release has breaking changes.
- file: This release has breaking changes.
- displayvideo: This release has breaking changes.
- discoveryengine: This release has breaking changes.
- digitalassetlinks: This release has breaking changes.
- datamigration: This release has breaking changes.
- datafusion: This release has breaking changes.
- dataform: This release has breaking changes.
- content: This release has breaking changes.
- compute: This release has breaking changes.
- cloudsearch: This release has breaking changes.
- binaryauthorization: This release has breaking changes.
- beyondcorp: This release has breaking changes.
- backupdr: This release has breaking changes.
- androidenterprise: This release has breaking changes.
- analyticshub: This release has breaking changes.
- aiplatform: This release has breaking changes.
- accesscontextmanager: This release has breaking changes.
- accesscontextmanager: update the API (b1aeb70)
- admin: update the API (0d7f4e7)
- adsenseplatform: update the API (00b86b2)
- aiplatform: update the API (0e3e37f)
- alloydb: update the API (2707e6d)
- analyticsadmin: update the API (9d4dd10)
- analyticsdata: update the API (952155b)
- analyticshub: update the API (8b0f511)
- androidenterprise: update the API (775e9ff)
- androidmanagement: update the API (8b40261)
- androidpublisher: update the API (4276bda)
- apikeys: update the API (49e5f04)
- appengine: update the API (2781a62)
- artifactregistry: update the API (4b68c95)
- assuredworkloads: update the API (46e7f17)
- authorizedbuyersmarketplace: update the API (0068463)
- backupdr: update the API (4210af5)
- beyondcorp: update the API (e1ee7ae)
- bigqueryreservation: update the API (f366cd5)
- bigquery: update the API (d18d412)
- binaryauthorization: update the API (56cdcf6)
- calendar: update the API (e24934a)
- chat: update the API (ee5a283)
- checks: update the API (5280b41)
- chromemanagement: update the API (17dc2fc)
- classroom: update the API (1310a78)
- cloudasset: update the API (2b797dd)
- cloudbilling: update the API (faba4bf)
- cloudbuild: update the API (5d6d16c)
- cloudchannel: update the API (21097fa)
- cloudcontrolspartner: update the API (e287d0f)
- clouddeploy: update the API (8f32301)
- cloudfunctions: update the API (2a4141f)
- cloudidentity: update the API (caed414)
- cloudsearch: update the API (c317757)
- compute: update the API (5a1e08c)
- config: update the API (63176fb)
- connectors: update the API (091f392)
- contactcenterinsights: update the API (10e04f5)
- container: update the API (6a0fcd9)
- content: update the API (37207d0)
- css: update the API (8994dd7)
- datacatalog: update the API (4eedeb4)
- dataflow: update the API (2e630c7)
- dataform: update the API (c18a12f)
- datafusion: update the API (dd298cf)
- datamigration: update the API (abe8a47)
- dataplex: update the API (4a48413)
- datastore: update the API (7562886)
- datastream: update the API (8a6cf86)
- deploymentmanager: update the API (20cb6c3)
- developerconnect: update the API (43e3d2c)
- dialogflow: update the API (5928f7d)
- digitalassetlinks: update the API (05438b6)
- discoveryengine: update the API (890931a)
- displayvideo: update the API (82e9ae0)
- dlp: update the API (b4234fe)
- dns: update the API (86ecb77)
- documentai: update the API (2a68556)
- drive: update the API (8a7abf1)
- eventarc: update the API (28e11ff)
- fcm: update the API (2e42883)
- file: update the API (32d7900)
- firebaseappdistribution: update the API (070a1dd)
- firebasedataconnect: update the API (7f2b97d)
- firebaseml: update the API (91b6958)
- firebasestorage: update the API (d1b06fe)
- firestore: update the API (b4bc88d)
- forms: update the API (d4ed5a3)
- gkehub: update the API (8ea588c)
- gkeonprem: update the API (80d4d99)
- healthcare: update the API (f853121)
- iamcredentials: update the API (4bd7252)
- iam: update the API (a50a288)
- identitytoolkit: update the API (ecb87ee)
- jobs: update the API (62f3593)
- language: update the API (ab1d906)
- looker: update the API (9ce6a87)
- merchantapi: update the API (1f48351)
- migrationcenter: update the API (87a60e0)
- monitoring: update the API (7fdd504)
- networkconnectivity: update the API (835b2bf)
- networkmanagement: update the API (f322f06)
- networksecurity: update the API (f981b68)
- networkservices: update the API (61648dc)
- notebooks: update the API (c584b31)
- oracledatabase: update the API (55ba6f9)
- orgpolicy: update the API (0d4d1b6)
- osconfig: update the API (5f511db)
- paymentsresellersubscription: update the API (5ee9638)
- places: update the API (b66c291)
- playdeveloperreporting: update the API (5fa6aaf)
- playintegrity: update the API (917780a)
- policysimulator: update the API (c5b31ef)
- privateca: update the API (36722ba)
- pubsub: update the API (c3abadc)
- recaptchaenterprise: update the API (0d44bca)
- recommender: update the API (95a0877)
- redis: update the API (119a7ee)
- regenerate index files (8653991)
- retail: update the API (a614ab2)
- run: update the API (961a9fe)
- searchads360: update the API (340ca02)
- securitycenter: update the API (39f00e4)
- serviceconsumermanagement: update the API (001b43a)
- servicecontrol: update the API (63c47c4)
- servicemanagement: update the API (3e22be8)
- servicenetworking: update the API (177354b)
- serviceusage: update the API (e1a728d)
- sheets: update the API (d82a179)
- spanner: update the API (a61742c)
- sqladmin: update the API (fa3846b)
- storage: update the API (487bfb4)
- sts: update the API (4539f52)
- tagmanager: update the API (e359783)
- testing: update the API (c624d3a)
- texttospeech: update the API (0e6f86a)
- tpu: update the API (5c0a386)
- translate: update the API (b2cc28c)
- vmmigration: update the API (18c4f98)
- walletobjects: update the API (9d27f95)
- webfonts: update the API (4bf4239)
- websecurityscanner: update the API (1de1750)
- workflows: update the API (ee97237)
- workloadmanager: update the API (50477ac)
- workspaceevents: update the API (0acb6c4)
- workstations: update the API (fd82ccc)
- youtube: update the API (1440c2b)
Bug Fixes
- addressvalidation: update the API (78e0e66)
- adsense: update the API (aef8159)
- alertcenter: update the API (d38d3f0)
- androiddeviceprovisioning: update the API (1b0bf8a)
- apigateway: update the API (c525784)
- apphub: update the API (2e2841b)
- areainsights: update the API (80f3431)
- batch: update the API (f3bee48)
- bigtableadmin: update the API (669bf0a)
- blockchainnodeengine: update the API (ccc84f5)
- certificatemanager: update the API (e5495ab)
- chromepolicy: update the API (43cb2d1)
- cloudkms: update the API (9553db2)
- cloudscheduler: update the API (8420615)
- cloudshell: update the API (8c9152a)
- cloudsupport: update the API (c1ff4b4)
- cloudtasks: update the API (964a166)
- composer: update the API (15e006b)
- contactcenteraiplatform: update the API (f9daa86)
- contentwarehouse: update the API (f16a818)
- datalabeling: update the API (1ffd273)
- dataproc: update the API (1ce09d0)
- domains: update the API (5131cc4)
- firebasedatabase: update the API (bbb3321)
- firebasehosting: update the API (f806d34)
- firebaserules: update the API (4449b80)
- firebase: update the API (2c5637d)
- gamesManagement: update the API (6bf407a)
- games: update the API (8d53438)
- gkebackup: update the API (e22bef0)
- iap: update the API (dbc043e)
- localservices: update the API (744f5e0)
- logging: update the API (52b7e88)
- managedidentities: update the API (55f677b)
- memcache: update the API (84cdc7e)
- metastore: update the API (7812264)
- ml: update the API (feb82b1)
- mybusinessaccountmanagement: update the API (ae1723a)
- mybusinessbusinessinformation: update the API (fa53070)
- mybusinessverifications: update the API (568ea1e)
- netapp: update the API (efca9e5)
- ondemandscanning: update the API (5b5337d)
- oslogin: update the API (38215a6)
- parallelstore: update the API (f67b1fe)
- pubsublite: update the API (8e6ebae)
- rapidmigrationassessment: update the API (4b2b1d1)
- readerrevenuesubscriptionlinking: update the API (17ea48b)
- resourcesettings: update the API (b3d4a63)
- runtimeconfig: update the API (8c8c86e)
- secretmanager: update the API (8b504e5)
- securityposture: update the API (6f465e6)
- solar: update the API (d95dd5a)
- storagetransfer: update the API (e19e28f)
- tasks: update the API (749feb4)
- transcoder: update the API (4e61224)
- travelimpactmodel: update the API (54f0e46)
- vault: update the API (4068fd4)
- verifiedaccess: update the API (d068dcc)
- vision: update the API (939d2da)
- vmwareengine: update the API (78b5853)
- webrisk: update the API (aa96c66)
- workflowexecutions: update the API (9d7a90d)