github googleapis/google-api-nodejs-client googleapis-v139.0.0
googleapis: v139.0.0

one month ago

139.0.0 (2024-06-03)


  • youtube: This release has breaking changes.
  • redis: This release has breaking changes.
  • orgpolicy: This release has breaking changes.
  • migrationcenter: This release has breaking changes.
  • gmail: This release has breaking changes.
  • firebaseml: This release has breaking changes.
  • dataplex: This release has breaking changes.
  • compute: This release has breaking changes.
  • cloudkms: This release has breaking changes.
  • backupdr: This release has breaking changes.
  • artifactregistry: This release has breaking changes.
  • analyticsadmin: This release has breaking changes.
  • alloydb: This release has breaking changes.
  • aiplatform: This release has breaking changes.


  • aiplatform: update the API (f8bbfb0)
  • alloydb: update the API (74d7df5)
  • analyticsadmin: update the API (c58f445)
  • analyticsdata: update the API (0d709cc)
  • androidmanagement: update the API (aebb92a)
  • androidpublisher: update the API (7b7a59e)
  • artifactregistry: update the API (cc1225e)
  • backupdr: update the API (99d7cd3)
  • batch: update the API (754dc37)
  • beyondcorp: update the API (4776e27)
  • chromemanagement: update the API (764b8b4)
  • cloudbuild: update the API (d353940)
  • clouddeploy: update the API (8ddf976)
  • cloudfunctions: update the API (d7df5cf)
  • cloudkms: update the API (ea4648c)
  • composer: update the API (b973cb8)
  • compute: update the API (3b89812)
  • connectors: update the API (28688f6)
  • contactcenteraiplatform: update the API (3d2ec02)
  • containeranalysis: update the API (a7ae38a)
  • content: update the API (f36f6e2)
  • datamigration: update the API (663287e)
  • dataplex: update the API (f65ce61)
  • datastream: update the API (b8cc0e6)
  • dialogflow: update the API (86ecf3c)
  • discoveryengine: update the API (02437ec)
  • dlp: update the API (a4218e5)
  • drive: update the API (82c1aef)
  • fcmdata: update the API (4a1b444)
  • file: update the API (59e20b8)
  • firebaseappcheck: update the API (b27c80a)
  • firebaseml: update the API (e0ed8eb)
  • firestore: update the API (4cf0ea6)
  • gkebackup: update the API (5421e28)
  • gkehub: update the API (ca13d15)
  • gmail: update the API (68cef12)
  • healthcare: update the API (aac166a)
  • ids: update the API (a45e553)
  • metastore: update the API (c0555e1)
  • migrationcenter: update the API (eea5046)
  • networkconnectivity: update the API (2346e1a)
  • networkmanagement: update the API (15751e2)
  • networksecurity: update the API (710dd33)
  • networkservices: update the API (865f8da)
  • orgpolicy: update the API (5711ec6)
  • osconfig: update the API (c4a42e8)
  • pagespeedonline: update the API (4cfbdc1)
  • places: update the API (ee15b8c)
  • recaptchaenterprise: update the API (1f91904)
  • redis: update the API (4a3fbc5)
  • regenerate index files (0e9f93a)
  • run: update the API (ee8a219)
  • securitycenter: update the API (44291b7)
  • serviceconsumermanagement: update the API (60dcea6)
  • spanner: update the API (b36ab02)
  • sqladmin: update the API (7ba611c)
  • storage: update the API (fd1ec98)
  • tasks: update the API (a493ffb)
  • versionhistory: update the API (64d9c06)
  • walletobjects: update the API (9beb4ac)
  • webfonts: update the API (a4bfeb4)
  • workflowexecutions: update the API (95cf4a7)
  • workflows: update the API (8975d1e)
  • workstations: update the API (cbba066)
  • youtube: update the API (2860943)

Bug Fixes

  • admob: update the API (48eced2)
  • adsense: update the API (6ee2a91)
  • bigquerydatatransfer: update the API (a9db9c5)
  • bigquery: update the API (bb98a47)
  • binaryauthorization: update the API (fdbccf7)
  • calendar: update the API (d81ae21)
  • chat: update the API (ed0f102)
  • cloudbilling: update the API (84c9409)
  • contactcenterinsights: update the API (926643b)
  • developerconnect: update the API (b6eb3e0)
  • displayvideo: update the API (0c441a6)
  • domains: update the API (e24433d)
  • eventarc: update the API (a138181)
  • fcm: update the API (bd19c99)
  • iam: update the API (9e3fd89)
  • iap: update the API (0fe384d)
  • marketingplatformadmin: update the API (e38347f)
  • monitoring: update the API (e515965)
  • prod_tt_sasportal: update the API (b75ecf2)
  • retail: update the API (e3f9c59)
  • sasportal: update the API (ec31b98)
  • servicenetworking: update the API (d4fb56f)
  • sheets: update the API (f4ea2dc)
  • sourcerepo: update the API (1ac4bf6)
  • storagetransfer: update the API (c05c5d8)

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