github googleapis/google-api-nodejs-client googleapis-v125.0.0
googleapis: v125.0.0

10 months ago

125.0.0 (2023-08-15)


  • gkehub: This release has breaking changes.
  • contentwarehouse: This release has breaking changes.
  • bigquery: This release has breaking changes.
  • beyondcorp: This release has breaking changes.
  • assuredworkloads: This release has breaking changes.


  • analyticsadmin: update the API (3bed127)
  • appengine: update the API (a8d4c48)
  • artifactregistry: update the API (2d1257d)
  • assuredworkloads: update the API (f58a85a)
  • beyondcorp: update the API (270693a)
  • bigquery: update the API (b0bc1f1)
  • binaryauthorization: update the API (2175fab)
  • cloudbuild: update the API (2413746)
  • composer: update the API (d2322c2)
  • container: update the API (3ab84ca)
  • contentwarehouse: update the API (73f5d69)
  • dataform: update the API (1f0c739)
  • dataproc: update the API (1fc81ab)
  • dialogflow: update the API (6aba841)
  • discoveryengine: update the API (57a6bdd)
  • documentai: update the API (ae0e266)
  • firebaseappcheck: update the API (13f8c86)
  • gkehub: update the API (7c7c561)
  • healthcare: update the API (9dc7235)
  • identitytoolkit: update the API (f15458e)
  • migrationcenter: update the API (43d3a7e)
  • monitoring: update the API (d6ab1de)
  • networkmanagement: update the API (b00b4c3)
  • paymentsresellersubscription: update the API (fa9bc92)
  • redis: update the API (633a71b)
  • regenerate index files (1b979cb)
  • run: update the API (2dc654e)
  • vmmigration: update the API (433922a)

Bug Fixes

  • accesscontextmanager: update the API (37483a5)
  • advisorynotifications: update the API (5d47fbd)
  • analyticsdata: update the API (fcd31de)
  • analyticshub: update the API (028a8f2)
  • androidmanagement: update the API (b6e3344)
  • apigateway: update the API (28a0c2b)
  • apigeeregistry: update the API (f4b44ce)
  • batch: update the API (c0f6c8e)
  • bigqueryconnection: update the API (238464d)
  • chat: update the API (9bebe9d)
  • cloudbilling: update the API (0a0d5e9)
  • clouddeploy: update the API (8efff9d)
  • cloudidentity: update the API (01762af)
  • cloudkms: update the API (3499c39)
  • cloudsearch: update the API (25771c7)
  • cloudshell: update the API (dd761cd)
  • connectors: update the API (2a03080)
  • containeranalysis: update the API (4de5705)
  • datacatalog: update the API (c823e38)
  • datamigration: update the API (0b476bb)
  • dataplex: update the API (07737a9)
  • datastore: update the API (f5f7e0e)
  • datastream: update the API (d1efe13)
  • deps: update dependency @google-cloud/local-auth to v3 (b9e0f13)
  • dlp: update the API (66720df)
  • eventarc: update the API (2a475fa)
  • file: update the API (16d1c38)
  • firestore: update the API (25dd82f)
  • iam: update the API (df42895)
  • language: update the API (86d4072)
  • logging: update the API (5ce9916)
  • memcache: update the API (1c738c4)
  • metastore: update the API (3045ac9)
  • networkconnectivity: update the API (db2c560)
  • networkservices: update the API (c2ca6b5)
  • ondemandscanning: update the API (b5da2fb)
  • osconfig: update the API (926f83d)
  • policysimulator: update the API (337d6d9)
  • prod_tt_sasportal: update the API (cad4560)
  • pubsublite: update the API (383264c)
  • pubsub: update the API (6c41abf)
  • recommender: update the API (b7e0460)
  • sasportal: update the API (cd8a38c)
  • script: update the API (09d1558)
  • secretmanager: update the API (fe01e40)
  • securitycenter: update the API (0d66358)
  • servicecontrol: update the API (ceadea7)
  • servicedirectory: update the API (c52f8c3)
  • servicemanagement: update the API (c5c135d)
  • sheets: update the API (19e06a7)
  • speech: update the API (b75b27e)
  • storagetransfer: update the API (29b6593)
  • tpu: update the API (e396d7e)
  • translate: update the API (5789f48)
  • vault: update the API (6f14118)
  • vision: update the API (8fd1995)
  • vpcaccess: update the API (6641889)
  • workflows: update the API (5e9374a)
  • workstations: update the API (fefd54a)

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