github googleapis/google-api-nodejs-client googleapis-v108.0.0
googleapis: v108.0.0

21 months ago

108.0.0 (2022-09-21)


  • serviceusage: This release has breaking changes.
  • servicenetworking: This release has breaking changes.
  • serviceconsumermanagement: This release has breaking changes.
  • paymentsresellersubscription: This release has breaking changes.
  • mybusinessplaceactions: This release has breaking changes.
  • monitoring: This release has breaking changes.
  • dlp: This release has breaking changes.
  • datacatalog: This release has breaking changes.
  • cloudtasks: This release has breaking changes.
  • cloudsearch: This release has breaking changes.
  • cloudidentity: This release has breaking changes.
  • chromepolicy: This release has breaking changes.
  • chat: This release has breaking changes.
  • baremetalsolution: This release has breaking changes.
  • assuredworkloads: This release has breaking changes.
  • analyticshub: This release has breaking changes.
  • sqladmin: This release has breaking changes.
  • gkehub: This release has breaking changes.
  • documentai: This release has breaking changes.
  • cloudsearch: This release has breaking changes.


  • analyticsadmin: update the API (7fc7f3b)
  • analyticsdata: update the API (9e17589)
  • analyticshub: update the API (fefba5f)
  • androidpublisher: update the API (b5453fa)
  • apigeeregistry: update the API (ba7d895)
  • artifactregistry: update the API (41adc7c)
  • assuredworkloads: update the API (8299911)
  • baremetalsolution: update the API (86c86c6)
  • bigquery: update the API (584cb90)
  • chat: update the API (21b00d5)
  • chromemanagement: update the API (70b92d6)
  • chromepolicy: update the API (3cedef6)
  • chromeuxreport: update the API (4819291)
  • cloudbuild: update the API (ebb24ae)
  • clouddeploy: update the API (97813ba)
  • cloudidentity: update the API (fed4691)
  • cloudsearch: update the API (8f89645)
  • cloudsearch: update the API (c19ef78)
  • cloudtasks: update the API (d649e11)
  • compute: update the API (9af8aa4)
  • containeranalysis: update the API (7603bb5)
  • container: update the API (6832365)
  • content: update the API (fc7133b)
  • datacatalog: update the API (081b624)
  • datamigration: update the API (8f3e8f6)
  • dataproc: update the API (48beb07)
  • datastream: update the API (8aa68de)
  • dfareporting: update the API (b878f58)
  • dialogflow: update the API (e21853e)
  • dlp: update the API (d075fc5)
  • dns: update the API (06d81a4)
  • documentai: update the API (b8b4467)
  • documentai: update the API (36ccfc0)
  • firebase: update the API (32b4e93)
  • firebase: update the API (91eb643)
  • firestore: update the API (31f8f66)
  • gkehub: update the API (d6b613f)
  • gkehub: update the API (5dc946e)
  • iap: update the API (2f10ed3)
  • identitytoolkit: update the API (7df8a16)
  • managedidentities: update the API (b0a7eb5)
  • managedidentities: update the API (2cbdef5)
  • manufacturers: update the API (21e916e)
  • monitoring: update the API (899c529)
  • mybusinessplaceactions: update the API (40a0810)
  • orgpolicy: update the API (b0cc83c)
  • paymentsresellersubscription: update the API (06d4ace)
  • playintegrity: update the API (4f7675b)
  • privateca: update the API (fadd124)
  • realtimebidding: update the API (9d1418a)
  • regenerate index files (7558b0b)
  • regenerate index files (f841e13)
  • retail: update the API (de2f51b)
  • run: update the API (4b846eb)
  • securitycenter: update the API (63030c4)
  • serviceconsumermanagement: update the API (6906817)
  • servicenetworking: update the API (541cc3a)
  • serviceusage: update the API (316d60b)
  • spanner: update the API (72d2c09)
  • speech: update the API (661ecdf)
  • sqladmin: update the API (1ef5f7e)
  • sqladmin: update the API (25af112)
  • storagetransfer: update the API (2f866d5)
  • testing: update the API (655d879)
  • tpu: update the API (0f01b34)
  • transcoder: update the API (e4ec36f)
  • translate: update the API (dd397c0)
  • vmmigration: update the API (a1ee3d7)
  • workflowexecutions: update the API (3e91e2f)

Bug Fixes

  • abusiveexperiencereport: update the API (5b24104)
  • acceleratedmobilepageurl: update the API (8b4c6d6)
  • accessapproval: update the API (d3ea8b1)
  • accesscontextmanager: update the API (573eba2)
  • add hashes to requirements.txt (#1544) (#3053) (13d039d)
  • adexchangebuyer2: update the API (fda5f58)
  • adexchangebuyer: update the API (c13881f)
  • adexperiencereport: update the API (65d3a2e)
  • admin: update the API (6e0931b)
  • admob: update the API (c3a1829)
  • adsensehost: update the API (5bedf1a)
  • adsense: update the API (b5dc0a4)
  • alertcenter: update the API (7a3df70)
  • analyticsreporting: update the API (a00fdcf)
  • analytics: update the API (091cafd)
  • androiddeviceprovisioning: update the API (d1cbc8c)
  • androidenterprise: update the API (e066c98)
  • androidmanagement: update the API (502b725)
  • apigateway: update the API (b27c648)
  • apikeys: update the API (5dc73b0)

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