104.0.0 (2022-06-21)
- servicenetworking: This release has breaking changes.
- serviceusage: This release has breaking changes.
- serviceconsumermanagement: This release has breaking changes.
- appengine: update the API (5f00350)
- assuredworkloads: update the API (07952e9)
- clouddeploy: update the API (f1c684f)
- compute: update the API (7c25354)
- dlp: update the API (5a629b0)
- documentai: update the API (ad3a5de)
- gkehub: update the API (444e072)
- metastore: update the API (4dd781e)
- networkservices: update the API (2e29e5b)
- ondemandscanning: update the API (aad0498)
- regenerate index files (4b7157d)
- regenerate index files (0d932f6)
- retail: update the API (ee83d19)
- serviceconsumermanagement: update the API (26e1774)
- servicenetworking: update the API (89ffaa6)
- serviceusage: update the API (f6041db)
- transcoder: update the API (36262d9)
Bug Fixes
- abusiveexperiencereport: update the API (63ef03f)
- acceleratedmobilepageurl: update the API (627d9ee)
- accessapproval: update the API (75bcf8a)
- accesscontextmanager: update the API (91051e8)
- adexchangebuyer2: update the API (c52a832)
- adexperiencereport: update the API (9aa1e87)
- admin: update the API (9aedbeb)
- admob: update the API (1c96dc8)
- adsensehost: update the API (e6e762c)
- adsense: update the API (d0027b8)
- alertcenter: update the API (422d029)
- analyticsadmin: update the API (7e23211)
- analyticsdata: update the API (71bf3c7)
- analyticshub: update the API (3e7c7c1)
- analyticsreporting: update the API (4b96dd5)
- analytics: update the API (b221f98)
- androiddeviceprovisioning: update the API (929f080)
- androidenterprise: update the API (d46e9b3)
- androidmanagement: update the API (135819b)
- androidpublisher: update the API (9288ea1)
- apigateway: update the API (c08e6fe)
- apigeeregistry: update the API (6ffb8a1)
- apikeys: update the API (7aad955)
- area120tables: update the API (28de568)
- artifactregistry: update the API (fcd0898)
- assuredworkloads: update the API (2d0a722)
- authorizedbuyersmarketplace: update the API (2274c4b)
- baremetalsolution: update the API (e57f162)
- baremetalsolution: update the API (8751ad6)
- beyondcorp: update the API (1acc660)
- bigqueryconnection: update the API (875d30f)
- bigquerydatatransfer: update the API (fd14b1f)
- bigqueryreservation: update the API (a2c429e)
- bigquery: update the API (6fdcb25)
- bigtableadmin: update the API (892017a)
- billingbudgets: update the API (dd6a6e0)
- binaryauthorization: update the API (7ff9cdf)
- blogger: update the API (d9d44e6)
- books: update the API (743c2cc)
- businessprofileperformance: update the API (b0ea9d5)
- calendar: update the API (89e21d0)
- certificatemanager: update the API (7a890af)
- chat: update the API (fbd48e8)
- chromemanagement: update the API (50f1d7d)
- chromepolicy: update the API (04eecb8)
- chromeuxreport: update the API (af0e78d)
- civicinfo: update the API (41413c9)
- classroom: update the API (68a1e39)
- cloudasset: update the API (1a876e6)
- cloudbilling: update the API (a9f9aad)
- cloudbuild: update the API (21d7a2f)
- cloudchannel: update the API (799dd4a)
- clouddebugger: update the API (2ec0bba)
- clouddeploy: update the API (c344c79)
- clouderrorreporting: update the API (9e19af8)
- cloudfunctions: update the API (aa45050)
- cloudidentity: update the API (0203fd5)
- cloudiot: update the API (fe5346d)
- cloudkms: update the API (1ae4ff2)
- cloudprofiler: update the API (9b2e835)
- cloudresourcemanager: update the API (e64dc02)
- cloudscheduler: update the API (ac6d463)
- cloudsearch: update the API (cea5797)
- cloudshell: update the API (1c39285)
- cloudsupport: update the API (fc8e5ee)
- cloudtasks: update the API (3394139)
- cloudtrace: update the API (acea145)
- composer: update the API (cf97810)
- connectors: update the API (ebd7c8b)
- contactcenterinsights: update the API (c0d1d1e)
- containeranalysis: update the API (7d31cb3)
- container: update the API (1044cb3)
- content: update the API (8ef2d03)
- customsearch: update the API (ffe56e0)
- datacatalog: update the API (ea663c0)
- dataflow: update the API (b567cd9)
- datafusion: update the API (dd8a1a2)
- datalabeling: update the API (cc4ebea)
- datamigration: update the API (357b7f4)
- datapipelines: update the API (dc63cad)
- dataplex: update the API (de30f17)
- dataproc: update the API (129cfd2)
- datastore: update the API (dd511d8)
- datastream: update the API (8c38eba)
- deploymentmanager: update the API (8436684)
- dfareporting: update the API (c68f31b)
- dialogflow: update the API (69a2994)
- digitalassetlinks: update the API (4412215)
- discovery: update the API (b554e11)
- displayvideo: update the API (fcb3965)
- dns: update the API (ffc1bcd)
- docs: update the API (8fdf542)
- domainsrdap: update the API (834a638)
- domains: update the API (32e8b88)
- doubleclickbidmanager: update the API (84b864f)
- doubleclicksearch: update the API (b7ee5a0)
- driveactivity: update the API (c709847)
- drive: update the API (f3f7670)
- essentialcontacts: update the API (edf332b)
- eventarc: update the API (ce1bb7c)
- factchecktools: update the API (db1ffaf)
- fcmdata: update the API (6da5de3)
- fcm: update the API (3ce1f9d)
- file: update the API (5d6a856)
- firebaseappcheck: update the API (0e973de)
- firebasedatabase: update the API (d6bc3a9)
- firebasedynamiclinks: update the API (75046d4)
- firebasehosting: update the API (5dfcaf2)
- firebaseml: update the API (d50d8ee)
- firebaserules: update the API (5e52f75)
- firebasestorage: update the API (dfd5880)
- firebase: update the API (a659323)
- firestore: update the API (e53b9c8)