github googleapis/google-api-nodejs-client googleapis-v100.0.0
googleapis: v100.0.0

2 years ago

100.0.0 (2022-04-01)


  • recommender: This release has breaking changes.
  • cloudsearch: This release has breaking changes.
  • cloudbuild: This release has breaking changes.


  • androidpublisher: update the API (27219e5)
  • artifactregistry: update the API (5baadcd)
  • baremetalsolution: update the API (a1efc45)
  • bigqueryreservation: update the API (92155c6)
  • bigquery: update the API (00f3816)
  • cloudbuild: update the API (6bbebc3)
  • cloudsearch: update the API (5296afa)
  • compute: update the API (91ac58a)
  • datastream: update the API (58847ee)
  • dialogflow: update the API (26ecf70)
  • documentai: update the API (a30e7a5)
  • firebaseappcheck: update the API (0613fe3)
  • firebasedatabase: update the API (7ceef82)
  • healthcare: update the API (448c848)
  • notebooks: update the API (f53f95e)
  • recommender: update the API (11fa54b)
  • regenerate index files (05c9049)
  • retail: update the API (ddb95cd)
  • servicecontrol: update the API (9b34122)
  • sqladmin: update the API (6a10239)
  • storagetransfer: update the API (976576e)
  • workflowexecutions: update the API (101b5e1)

Bug Fixes

  • admin: update the API (794af8c)
  • alertcenter: update the API (3bcbde4)
  • bigqueryconnection: update the API (0cd53ae)
  • bigquerydatatransfer: update the API (3a2a649)
  • chromemanagement: update the API (c884d60)
  • chromeuxreport: update the API (4f38de1)
  • classroom: update the API (9e045c9)
  • clouddeploy: update the API (47f851d)
  • cloudscheduler: update the API (1f7fd81)
  • content: update the API (d6c0495)
  • datacatalog: update the API (d9e6b91)
  • datamigration: update the API (6d1d258)
  • datapipelines: update the API (a88f857)
  • dataproc: update the API (a5da831)
  • docs: update the API (644ab97)
  • eventarc: update the API (4b509a6)
  • genomics: update the API (1d98fce)
  • gkehub: update the API (dd75f6b)
  • homegraph: update the API (92801a6)
  • jobs: update the API (621646b)
  • manufacturers: update the API (5eee6d3)
  • ml: update the API (e2b13cf)
  • networkconnectivity: update the API (eb6513c)
  • ondemandscanning: update the API (6d39698)
  • osconfig: update the API (c42ee29)
  • oslogin: update the API (c1c1be2)
  • pubsublite: update the API (90fa939)
  • run: update the API (8a6b80f)
  • script: update the API (dadf716)
  • slides: update the API (4c3e931)
  • spanner: update the API (58cc75e)
  • testing: update the API (740c4c8)

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