- fix(admin): update the API
- auth: adds support workload identity federation (#2517) (a10707c)
- drive: update the API (97ef9ad)
- drive: update the API (ad8d08e)
- run the generator (#2627) (475f6e8)
Bug Fixes
- deps: update dependency googleapis-common to v5 (#2497) (fec087a)
- drive: update the API (65f261d)
- drive: update the API (fc1e649)
- drive: update the API (ae63ae3)
- drive: update the API (4a9fed1)
- drive: update the API (e18c6f2)
- drive: update the API (1aab744)
- drive: update the API (a553bf7)
- upgrade webpack from 4 to 5 (#2524) (ecfd8bf)