github google/ksp 1.4.31-1.0.0-alpha06

latest releases: 2.1.20-Beta1-1.0.29, 2.1.0-1.0.29, 2.1.0-1.0.28...
3 years ago


  • Multiplatform is back working again for JVM platform.
  • Corresponding Kotlin version is bumped to 1.4.31. This release still works with 1.4.30. To mute the version mismatch warning when using with Kotlin-1.4.30, use -Pksp.version.check=false.
  • Supported Gradle 7.0-rc-1.

API / behavior changes

  • Use-site annotations are now attached to use-sites consistently. Previously, they are attached to where they were declared if the source is available, and the use-sites if the source isn't available.

Issues fixed

#131 cannot read annotatations in classes that are coming from dependencies
#317 Possible regression: Configuration with name 'ksp' not found in multiplatform
#325 KSType for inner types misses arguments from outer types
#355 annotation target for setter property does not work
#360 Resolving a same type multiple times as type argument cause the first resolution to override all following resolution
#364 Annotate properties for KspTask

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