github google/ksp 1.4.20-dev-experimental-20210107

latest releases: 2.1.10-RC2-1.0.29, 2.1.10-RC-1.0.29, 2.1.20-Beta1-1.0.29...
4 years ago


Breaking Change Starting from this release, we added gradle plugin marker and changed plugin id from symbol-processing to Now you may remove the resolutionStrategy for KSP in setting.gradle.kts since it is no longer needed. See playground in attachment for full detail.

We also planned to enable incremental processing in next release. Here is a doc describing how to use it and also a few examples. Please give it a try!

Issues fixed:

released POM files do not list dependencies #187
[Gradle Plugin] Publish plugin marker #203
Incremental logging does not create a file first #210

PRs merged:

multi-module tests: make sure javaOut exists before passing to compiler #235
Setup depenedencies in compiler plugin's POM #233
Report INNER modifier for class descriptors #232
Rebuild if processing options changed #229
Don't calculate incremental info when incremental processing is disabled #227
Make kspTask depends on processors #222
Refine incremental logs #221
document for incremental processing #220
Rename dependOnNewChanges to aggregating #219
Use property descriptor impl for java properties #217
Add generated resource dir to proper sources and outputs #215
Gradle plugin publishing setup #206

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