github google/google-api-objectivec-client-for-rest v2.0.0
v2.0.0 Release

latest releases: v3.5.5, v3.5.4, v3.5.3...
2 years ago

With this release the source layout has been changed to better match what SwiftPM wants (this was done in the model used by Firebase to hopefully allow for easier integrations). Both SwiftPM and CocoaPods now support #importing headers as #import <GoogleAPIClientForREST/HEADER_NAME.h>. The modular imports still are unchanged and unique to each package system because of the inherent differences in the package systems.

Other changes:

  • Generated Services have been update.
  • The wiki has been retired and the content moved to markdown pages in the repository to allow for contributions going forward.
  • SwiftPM and CocoaPods systems now run all the unittests.
  • The Xcode project within the project was dropped and CocoaPods and/or SwiftPM can be directly used to work on the project to ensure things continue to work.
  • The Github Actions have been improved to have better coverage on future changes to the project.
  • GTLRDefines.h was pruned to be more minimal. #527
  • Prefer imports over fwd decls to avoid potential partial types #538
  • Support for a SessionFetcher 2.0 release #542
    • This also directly import the SessionFetcher headers into the public headers here avoid issues with Swift interface not having some properties due to the previous forward declarations.

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