github google/cloudprober v0.11.0
v0.11.0: Kubernetes ingresses discovery, bug fixes, and other enhancements

latest releases: v0.11.3, v0.11.2, v0.11.1...
3 years ago

Targets Discovery Enhancements

  • Support for discovering Kubernetes Ingress resources. Here is an example of how to discovery ingresses: #419 (comment).

  • Make target labels available for external probe commands. For example, you can use this feature to access target's fqdn label to construct the Host header (Issue with an example: #451).

  • More target label based customizations for HTTP probe type. HTTP probe now automatically uses "fdqn" label for the Host header and host part of the URL, and "relative_url" label for the relative URL part of the URL. Using these labels, now you can configure just one probe for multiple targets where each target has a different host header and relative URL to probe.

Bug Fixes

  • Fix a bug the gRPC service to dynamically configure probes: #460.
  • Fix a bug in cloudprober extensions which will not allow adding more than one probe or target extension: #450.
  • Fix a bug in external probe's command parsing: #473.
  • Improve CLOUDPROBER_PORT environment variable handling while running on Kubernetes: #476.

Other Enhancements

  • HTTP Probe: Add support for large request bodies (#448).

Many thanks to @networkop, @evanSpendlove, @sunshinekitty, @JohnWillker, and @evgenii-petrov-arrival for reporting bugs, and suggesting and contributing fixes.

Complete list of commits since the last release: v0.10.9...v0.11.0
Bugs/PR in this release: Milestone v0.11.0.

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