github google/blockly 3.20200123.0
Q4 2019

latest releases: blockly-v11.0.0-beta.10, blockly-v11.0.0.-beta.6, blockly-v11.0.0-beta.5...
4 years ago

The main focus for this release was completing Zelos rendering.

In this release (Q4 2019)

  • Zelos Rendering
  • Finalize Keyboard Navigation APIs

This was rlease had 375+ PRs. For a full list of pull requests in this issue, see #3611.

Issues closed in this release

VariableModel's getVariableTypes returns multiple empty string types. (#3593)
Dragging a collapsed function call block causes a crash if the function has inputs (#3589)
Dropdown option is immediately selected due to order of processing touch events (#3567)
Investigate how fields cache options (#3553)
Bottom horizontal flyout has broken delete areas (#3550)
[zelos] Overlap in block height when a statement block with no next connection is attached into a statement input. (#3546)
Scrolled text input widget div is positioned incorrectly (#3532)
Changing Style/Colour of Inherited disabled block has unexpected behaviour (#3530)
The width of the parent element is not enough, my light belt overflows (#3529)
Custom field, the width of parent element is not enough, overflow, how to solve it? (#3528)
Always use ConstantProvider.shapeFor() for rendering notches (#3522)
method updateToolbox keep the category state (#3520)
blocks_compressed.js generated by Gulp has bugs (#3518)
Calling setMutator programmatically does not rerender the block (#3510)
Mutating and Deleting a block is not updating Cursor properly (#3507)
Allow non-visible grids (#3503)
[zelos rendering] Multi-row reporters (#3494)
use Ctrl + z can delete moveable = false ,deleteable = false block (#3486)
Blocks with a field following a variable field break when a mutator is open (#3458)
the issue about (#3422)
Decide what to do about output shape on the block (#3414)
Keyboard Nav: Shift clicking shouldn't enter accessibility mode (#3412)
AppendDomToWorkspace positioning is wrong in RTL (#3408)
All stock blocks in Blockly Games now black. (#3397)
Multiple modifiers in key_map doesn't work right (#3375)
Keyboard Nav: Basic Cursor with ability to set validNode (#3371)
Statement input rendering: bar below input got longer (#3367)
Clicking workspace after comment resize causes a crash (#3364)
Minimalist renderer doesn't account for input alignment (#3361)
FieldImage cannot be navigated to when opt_clickHandler is passed (#3339)
Allow non-visible grids (#3503)
[zelos rendering] vertical tight nesting (#3495)
[zelos rendering] Multi-row reporters (#3494)
Block width incorrect for nested blocks (#3481)
JetBrains artifacts aren't gitignored (#3475)
Colour field not updated properly (#3473)
Dropdown arrow not coloured properly (#3472)
disable trashcan (and deleting) at runtime (for offline mode) (#3467)
unable to run blockly using npm run test, it keeps giving me this error (#3457)
The xml tag id auto generate should be from a-z 0-9 (#3453)
No longer able to tab out of Blockly (#3452)
Scrollen in Blockly (#3451)
Ask for help (#3450)
Novice question: how do you pass requirejs-based modules the results of running user-generated code (eval() of runJS) (#3449)
Unable to drag a warning bubble if mouse is over text (#3386)
Minimalist renderer doesn't account for input alignment (#3361)
AST should navigate to non editable fields (#3344)
Spacing between a field and input is different whether the field is before or after the input. (#3327)
Connection highlighting during drag always uses puzzle and notch shapes (#3236)
[zelos] Determine what to do with inline inputs. (#2978)
Exception when try to move blocks within blockly div when blocks start shaking (#2929)
Autoload blocks checkbox in playground (#3416)
shift-clicking a block creates some kind of selection marker (#3411)
Add the current theme to the DOM (#3407)
Blockly.Blocks can't be found in Blockly (#3406)
dropdown i18n breaken by space (#3398)
Deleting block throws error on small screens (#3393)
Advanced compilation test is now black and white. (#3382)
Move theme manager out of Blockly.Workspace (#3380)
Move filter and pattern creation into renderer (#3377)
Bad colour in deuteranopia theme (#3372)
Compute canvas is affecting page layout (#3368)
Mutator dialog don't update delete areas when moved. (#3354)
Object representation with Blockly (#3347)
Block.setstyle throws an error when block has no style name (#3343)
Value input before/after dummy input row height inconsistencies (#3341)
Blockly.bindEvent_ is deprecated, remove it's use internally (#3332)
Dummy input aligns only left (#3330)
Npm run build does not recognize a new file (#3328)
[zelos] Dyanmic output shapes aligned incorrectly (#3325)
Shadow blocks in modern theme have highlights (#3319)
How to customize fields with the blockly NPM package? (#3314)
Rendering bug on upgrading to Blockly 3 (#3313)
If statement doesn't update connections after mutation change (#3305)
BlockSvg.positionNewBlock is a dupe of BlockSvg.positionNearConnection (#3299)
Right corners in base renderer (#3296)
how to get new variables (#3291)
Blockly.BlockSvg.START_HAT is broken (#3279)
why? (#3262)
Keyboard Navigation: Dispatch event on cursor change (#3258)
blockly is not able to load after blockly_compressed.js file is updated recently (#3254)

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