github google-deepmind/alphafold v2.1.0
AlphaFold v2.1.0

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2 years ago

Version 2.1.0 adds the AlphaFold-Multimer model and fixes a number of issues reported in the last few months.

Change log:

  • [new feature] AlphaFold-Multimer data pipeline, model and metrics have been added. Use model_preset=multimer to run with AlphaFold-Multimer.
  • [change] AlphaFold-Multimer no longer pre-processes the features via TensorFlow but instead does it in the JAX module code.
  • Added a note and a check that the directory with data is outside the AlphaFold repository for faster Docker builds (thanks @jamespeapen).
  • Advertise Python 3.7, 3.8, 3.9, 3.10 in (thanks @anukaal).
  • Added an FAQ explaining that the Colab on free tier can time out (thanks @mooingcat).
  • Stop using hardcoded /tmp, instead use $TMPDIR (thanks @meson800, @EricDeveaud).
  • Make run_docker fully configurable via flags: data_dir, docker_image_name, output_dir (thanks @akors, @chrisroat).
  • Look for stereo_chemical_props.txt relative to the residue_constants module (thanks @rjgildea).
  • Crop UniRef90 MSA to 10,000 sequences to prevent hitting the 2 GB proto field limit and use less memory (thanks @biohegedus and @chrisroat).
  • Finding third party tool binaries is now more robust and gives you better errors if any are missing (thanks @FanchTheSystem).
  • Refactor and a few fixes and usability improvements in the AlphaFold Colab.

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