is a free and open-source project built by volunteers.
If you value it, consider supporting us, the maintainers and linter authors.
We appreciate it! ❤️
For key updates, see the changelog.
- 07019ee build(deps): bump honnef.co/go/tools from 0.5.1 to 0.6.0 (#5391)
- 474fdaf go1.24 support (#5224)
- e21ee9a build(deps): bump github.com/ldez/exptostd from 0.4.0 to 0.4.1 (#5390)
- 8e1d5f4 build(deps): bump golang.org/x/tools from 0.29.0 to 0.30.0 (#5389)
- 23eafd5 build(deps): bump github.com/catenacyber/perfsprint from 0.8.0 to 0.8.1 (#5386)
- 71445ee build(deps): bump go-simpler.org/sloglint from 0.7.2 to 0.9.0 (#5384)
- 9ce9097 build(deps): bump 4d63.com/gochecknoglobals from 0.2.1 to 0.2.2 (#5380)
- 1200be2 build(deps): bump github.com/catenacyber/perfsprint from 0.7.1 to 0.8.0 (#5382)
- 2b24c4e build(deps): bump golang.org/x/sys from 0.29.0 to 0.30.0 (#5376)
- fbc663d build(deps): bump golang.org/x/mod from 0.22.0 to 0.23.0 (#5375)
- 0284fa9 tenv: deprecation (#5373)
- a2ef9ee build(deps): bump github.com/polyfloyd/go-errorlint from 1.7.0 to 1.7.1 (#5368)
- a7da404 build(deps): bump github.com/spf13/pflag from 1.0.5 to 1.0.6 (#5367)
- 72a1b33 build(deps): bump github.com/shirou/gopsutil/v4 from 4.24.12 to 4.25.1 (#5366)
- 10c03d7 feat: use run.relative-path-mode for output format paths (#5363)
- fc94060 build(deps): bump the linter-testdata group across 2 directories with 4 updates (#5365)
- 192e98b feat: add new issues.new-from-merge-base option (#5362)
- 980a911 fix: sanitize severities by output format (#5359)
- 4b05170 build(deps): bump github.com/matoous/godox from 0.0.0-20230222163458-006bad1f9d26 to 1.1.0 (#5355)
- 98c110b feat: new linter exclusions system (#5339)
- d1e9da0 fix: fallback on unknown severities for code climate (#5350)
- 2637593 build(deps): bump github.com/mgechev/revive from 1.5.1 to 1.6.0 (#5346)
- 23641e3 build(deps): bump github.com/golangci/revgrep from 0.6.1 to 0.7.0 (#5337)
- a10bfc5 build(deps): bump github.com/golangci/revgrep from 0.6.0 to 0.6.1 (#5336)
- 2084a50 build(deps): bump github.com/Crocmagnon/fatcontext from 0.6.0 to 0.7.1 (#5335)
- ac95a23 build(deps): bump github.com/ldez/exptostd from 0.3.1 to 0.4.0 (#5330)
- 20e4b1e build(deps): bump github.com/Crocmagnon/fatcontext from 0.5.3 to 0.6.0 (#5332)
- 29eaf2d build(deps): bump github.com/ldez/gomoddirectives from 0.6.0 to 0.6.1 (#5329)
- 5a7c7e6 fix: spancheck default StartSpanMatchersSlice values (#5324)
- 019bde5 build(deps): bump github.com/golangci/revgrep from 0.5.3 to 0.6.0 (#5319)
- 2502d20 build(deps): bump github.com/mattn/go-colorable from 0.1.13 to 0.1.14 (#5318)
- 8f187ff build(deps): bump github.com/securego/gosec/v2 from 2.21.4 to 2.22.0 (#5311)
- e24c18c build(deps): bump github.com/karamaru-alpha/copyloopvar from 1.1.0 to 1.2.1 (#5307)
- ace35f0 fix: avoid panic with plugin without description (#5312)
- 09489d5 build(deps): bump github.com/uudashr/iface from 1.3.0 to 1.3.1 (#5308)
- c07dc97 build(deps): bump github.com/ghostiam/protogetter from 0.3.8 to 0.3.9 (#5306)
- 555fb5c build(deps): bump github.com/alingse/nilnesserr from 0.1.1 to 0.1.2 (#5305)
- b7fd295 build(deps): bump golang.org/x/tools from 0.28.0 to 0.29.0 (#5309)
- b747025 build(deps): bump github.com/ldez/grignotin from 0.7.0 to 0.8.0 (#5295)
- d516da9 build(deps): bump golang.org/x/sys from 0.28.0 to 0.29.0 (#5293)