github golangci/golangci-lint v1.54.1

latest releases: v1.61.0, v1.60.3, v1.60.2...
15 months ago

golangci-lint is a free and open-source project, built by people in their free time.
Also, the linter authors are an important part of golangci-lint.
If you use and appreciate golangci-lint please think to support us (golangci-lint maintainers and linters authors). ❤️


  • 9fc1e20 build(deps): bump from 0.8.2 to 0.9.0 (#4000)
  • ea4481a build(deps): bump from v0.3.19 to v0.4.0 (#3999)
  • a9378d9 plugin: temporarily hide warning about using plugins using the old API (#4002)

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