github gokcehan/lf r17

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4 years ago


  • Terminal UI library has been changed from termbox-go to tcell as the former has been unmaintained for a while (by @Provessor). Some of the changes are listed below, though the list may not be complete as this is a relatively big change.
    • (Breaking) Some special key names are changed to be consistent with tcell documentation (e.g. <bs> renamed to <backspace>). On the other hand, there are also additional keybindings that were not available before (e.g. <backtab> for Shift+Tab). You can either check tcell documentation for the list of keys or hit the key combination in lf to read the name of the key from the unknown mapping error message.
    • (New) 24-bit true colors are now supported on unix systems. See the updated documentation for more information. There is an ongoing version 2.0 development in tcell that we plan to switch once it becomes stable and it is expected to add support for true colors in Windows console as well.
    • (New) Additional platforms are now supported and the list of pre-built binaries provided are updated accordingly.
    • (Fix) Wide characters are now displayed properly in Windows console.
  • (New) Descriptions of commands and options are now added to the documentation. Undocumented behaviors should now be considered documentation bugs and they can be reported.
  • (New) Keys are now evaluated with a lazy drawing approach so push commands to set the prompt and pasting something to the command line should feel instantaneous.
  • (Fix) Corrupted history files should no longer crash the program.
  • (Fix) Server now only listens connections from localhost on Windows so firewall permission is not required anymore (by @spapas).
  • (Fix) Push commands that change the operation mode should now work consistently as expected.
  • (Fix) Loading directories should now display the previous file list if any, which was a regression due to a bug fix in a previous release.
  • (Fix) Piping shell commands should now automatically update previews when necessary.
  • (Fix) Errors from failed shell commands should not be overwritten by file information anymore.
  • (Fix) Server can now also be started automatically when the program is called with a relative path, which was a regression due to a bug fix in a previous release (by @Provessor).
  • (Fix) Environment variables are now exported automatically for preview scripts without having to call a shell command first (by @gotroyb127).
  • (Fix) Escape key can now be bind to a key for when it is used on it own and not to escape a keybind combination, which was a regression due to a bug fix in a previous release (by @YerinAlexey).
  • (Fix) Changing option hiddenfiles should now automatically trigger directory updates when necessary.

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