github gohugoio/hugo v0.94.0

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2 years ago

Up to 20% reduction in build time and memory usage. That is the sales pitch for this release. In reality it depends (e.g. on how big and complex your site is), but we have benchmarks and real site tests that show impressive improvements. It was @quasilyte (see #9386) who tipped us about this potential. He had tested it with the website with about 20% speedup.

Post Release Update: Hugo users are reporting tremendous speed boosts of more than 50%.

Continuing on the performance theme, @satotake has implemented a new hybrid static filesystem for Hugo's development server, which is great for sites with lots of static content, as it greatly reduces memory consumption while still keeping the fast render times by writing dynamic content to memory (the definition of static content in Hugo is all files mounted in /static and all files in /content that's not content files or a member of a content bundle). With this update, there are now 3 filesystem options when starting the server:

  1. hugo server (default), renders to and serves all files from memory.
  2. hugo server --renderToDisk, renders to and serves all files from disk.
  3. hugo server --renderStaticToDisk (the new hybrid mode), renders to and serves static files from disk, dynamic files from memory.

A final note goes to the new linkifyProtocol option in the Goldmark Configuration (see #9639). The linkify extension is enabled by default. It turns and similar into clickable links. But before this release, the default protocol used was http. This is in line with the CommonMark spec, but that doesn't make much sense in 2022, so now you get https as the default.

This release represents 38 contributions by 4 contributors to the main Hugo code base.@bep leads the Hugo development with a significant amount of contributions, but also a big shoutout to @dependabot[bot], @jmooring, and @satotake for their ongoing contributions.
And thanks to @digitalcraftsman for his ongoing work on keeping the themes site in pristine condition.

Many have also been busy writing and fixing the documentation in hugoDocs,
which has received 3 contributions by 2 contributors.

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