github gohugoio/hugo v0.82.0

latest releases: v0.126.1, v0.126.0, v0.125.7...
3 years ago

This is a small release, mostly a maintainance/bugfix release. But also notable is that you can now add custom Markdown attributes (e.g. CSS classes) to code fences (aed7df62 @bep #8278) and that you can use the attribute lists in title render hooks (.Attributes; see cd0c5d7e @bep #8270).

This release represents 28 contributions by 8 contributors to the main Hugo code base.@bep leads the Hugo development with a significant amount of contributions, but also a big shoutout to @moorereason, and @gzagatti for their ongoing contributions.
And a big thanks to @digitalcraftsman for his relentless work on keeping the themes site in pristine condition and to @davidsneighbour, @coliff and @kaushalmodi for all the great work on the documentation site.

Many have also been busy writing and fixing the documentation in hugoDocs,
which has received 20 contributions by 12 contributors. A special thanks to @bep, @jmooring, @rootkea, and @PaulPineda for their work on the documentation site.

Hugo now has:


  • We have made .MediaType comparable ba1d0051 @bep #8317#8324. This also means that the old MediaType.Suffix and MediaType.FullSuffix is moved to MediaType.FirstSuffix.Suffix and MediaType.FirstSuffix.FullSuffix, which also better describes what they represent.



  • Add method mappings for strings.Contains, strings.ContainsAny 7f853003 @bep






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