github gohugoio/hugo v0.139.0

latest release: v0.138.0
5 hours ago

This release is mostly about removing code that has been deprecated for a long time. This has been shown as an ERROR in the build log and failed the build for at least the last 6 minor Hugo versions, in most cases much longer.

But this is also a full dependency refresh, and there are also some new stuff. For one, we added a -O flag to hugo server to open up the site in your browser after start. This is now my (@bep) shortcut to start the server:

function h() {
  hugo server  -F -O -N -D


  • dartsass: Remove support for v1 of the protocol/binary (note) 1fd845e @bep
  • Remove deprecations <= v0.122.0 (note) ad43d13 @bep

Bug fixes


Dependency Updates


Build Setup

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