github goharbor/harbor-operator v0.6.0

latest releases: v1.4.0-rc1, v1.3.0, v1.3.0-rc3...
3 years ago


0d3cdd1 Fix(reconciliation) Rework reconciliation loop. Close #131.
aa6769d fix coreurl mismatch
91f6a48 fix encrypt key length to 16
01e2ae9 fix(build) Remove vendor
ada726b fix(chartmuseum) Add secret key field to deployment env var for storage driver
fd8a56e fix(ci) Remove installation of certmanager in go-test
d3cc520 fix(ci) Use make helm-install
cc8b0c1 fix(ci) kubectl logs
8143512 fix(ci) setup go before building manager
d1464d9 fix(lint)
d420164 fix(lint)
b777b07 fix(linters)
5972178 fix(registry) Add secret key field to deployment env var for storage driver
7c3a395 fix(sample) Specify sample secret type
3157529 fix(statuscheck) Ensure conditions are ok
5750a0c fix(test) pkg/controller/
e3375a5 fix(tests)
8e545ae vendor(dependencies)

Docker images

  • docker pull goharbor/harbor-operator:v0.6.0

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