github goauthentik/authentik version/0.9.0-rc2
Release 0.9.0-rc2

3 years ago
- *: remove path-based import from all PropertyMappings
- admin: update to work with new form
- audit: fix list not having loginrequired
- build(deps-dev): bump pylint-django from 2.1.0 to 2.2.0
- build(deps): bump @fortawesome/fontawesome-free
- build(deps): bump @patternfly/patternfly in /passbook/static/static
- build(deps): bump boto3 from 1.14.20 to 1.14.21
- build(deps): bump boto3 from 1.14.21 to 1.14.22
- build(deps): bump boto3 from 1.14.22 to 1.14.23
- build(deps): bump boto3 from 1.14.23 to 1.14.24
- build(deps): bump boto3 from 1.14.24 to 1.14.25
- build(deps): bump boto3 from 1.14.25 to 1.14.26
- build(deps): bump boto3 from 1.14.26 to 1.14.28
- build(deps): bump codemirror in /passbook/static/static
- build(deps): bump sentry-sdk from 0.16.1 to 0.16.2
- build(deps): bump urllib3 from 1.25.9 to 1.25.10
- core: separate expiry logic from tokens and make re-usable
- e2e: CI -> TF_BUILD
- e2e: ensure that PasswordStage's change_flow is set correctly
- e2e: fix flow setup stage test not finding link
- e2e: fix grafana docker image tag
- e2e: fix oauth/oidc tests not working with current grafana
- flows: fix shell not showing spinner after submit
- flows: update work with new stages
- gatekeeper: automatically redirect to passbook
- gatekeeper: fix non-existent templates being copied
- lib: move SAML timestring utils into lib
- Merge branch 'master' into consent-mode
- Merge branch 'master' into consent-mode
- Merge pull request #128 from BeryJu/dependabot/npm_and_yarn/passbook/static/static/fortawesome/fontawesome-free-5.14.0
- Merge pull request #129 from BeryJu/dependabot/pip/boto3-1.14.21
- Merge pull request #130 from BeryJu/dependabot/pip/boto3-1.14.22
- Merge pull request #131 from BeryJu/dependabot/npm_and_yarn/passbook/static/static/patternfly/patternfly-4.23.3
- Merge pull request #132 from BeryJu/dependabot/pip/boto3-1.14.23
- Merge pull request #133 from BeryJu/expiring-models
- Merge pull request #134 from BeryJu/consent-mode
- Merge pull request #135 from BeryJu/dependabot/npm_and_yarn/passbook/static/static/codemirror-5.56.0
- Merge pull request #136 from BeryJu/dependabot/pip/boto3-1.14.24
- Merge pull request #137 from BeryJu/dependabot/pip/boto3-1.14.25
- Merge pull request #138 from BeryJu/dependabot/pip/boto3-1.14.26
- Merge pull request #139 from BeryJu/dependabot/pip/pylint-django-2.2.0
- Merge pull request #140 from BeryJu/dependabot/pip/sentry-sdk-0.16.2
- Merge pull request #141 from BeryJu/dependabot/pip/urllib3-1.25.10
- Merge pull request #143 from BeryJu/dependabot/pip/boto3-1.14.28
- policies/*: remove path-based import from all policies
- providers/*: remove path-based import from all providers
- providers/app_gw: fix Issuer URL being incorrect, fix incorrect length cookie secret
- providers/app_gw: generate docker-compose in code
- providers/app_gw: use full URL with protocol for internal/external_host
- providers/oauth: remove LoginRequired from AuthorizationFlowInitView as user is redirected within
- providers/oidc: remove LoginRequired from AuthorizationFlowInitView as user is redirected within
- providers/saml: remove LoginRequired from SAMLSSOView as user is redirected within
- root: clean log output, always show logger
- sources/*: remove path-based import from all sources
- sources/oauth: migrate from to
- Squashed commit of the following:
- stages/*: remove path-based import from all stages
- stages/consent: add unittests for new modes
- stages/consent: start implementing user consent
- ui: allow overriding of verbose_name

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