github goauthentik/authentik version/0.9.0-pre3
Release 0.9.0-pre3

pre-release3 years ago

This is a big release. Due to some database changes, it is not compatible to the previous 0.8.x releases and needs a fresh database. See

- *: fix not all migrations using db_alias
- *: make email naming consistent
- api: fix SAMLSource missing from API
- build(deps): bump @fortawesome/fontawesome-free (#80)
- build(deps): bump @patternfly/patternfly in /passbook/static/static
- build(deps): bump boto3 from 1.14.2 to 1.14.3 (#69)
- build(deps): bump boto3 from 1.14.3 to 1.14.5 (#72)
- build(deps): bump boto3 from 1.14.5 to 1.14.6 (#83)
- build(deps): bump boto3 from 1.14.6 to 1.14.7 (#89)
- build(deps): bump boto3 from 1.14.7 to 1.14.8 (#90)
- build(deps): bump boto3 from 1.14.8 to 1.14.9 (#93)
- build(deps): bump boto3 from 1.14.9 to 1.14.10
- build(deps): bump celery from 4.4.5 to 4.4.6
- build(deps): bump codemirror in /passbook/static/static (#86)
- build(deps): bump django-otp from 0.9.1 to 0.9.2 (#82)
- build(deps): bump django-otp from 0.9.2 to 0.9.3 (#91)
- build(deps): bump django-prometheus from 2.1.0.dev30 to 2.1.0.dev32 (#73)
- build(deps): bump django-prometheus from 2.1.0.dev32 to 2.1.0.dev36 (#81)
- build(deps): bump django-prometheus from 2.1.0.dev36 to 2.1.0.dev38 (#88)
- build(deps): bump django-prometheus from 2.1.0.dev38 to 2.1.0.dev40 (#92)
- build(deps): bump kombu from 4.6.10 to 4.6.11
- build(deps): bump pycryptodome from 3.9.7 to 3.9.8
- build(deps): bump pyuwsgi from 2.0.18.post0 to (#84)
- build(deps): bump sentry-sdk from 0.14.4 to 0.15.0 (#74)
- build(deps): bump sentry-sdk from 0.15.0 to 0.15.1 (#85)
- build(deps): bump signxml from 2.7.3 to 2.8.0 (#87)
- build(deps): bump swagger-spec-validator from 2.7.1 to 2.7.2 (#70)
- ci: install node and run yarn for e2e tests
- ci: run full coverage including e2e
- ci: run full coverage with e2e in one step so we get full coverage percentage
- ci: use `gh-` prefix for auto-build docker images for easier cleanup
- core: fix integrity error for default user
- core: make generic error template work with shell executor
- docs: add supported scopes of oauth provider
- docs: clarify post-installation login
- docs( grammar and clarity
- docs( grammar and clarity
- docs( punctuation and grammar
- docs( grammar and clarity
- docs( clarity
- docs( clarity & punctuation
- docs( grammar and clarity
- docs( punctuation
- docs( capitalisation
- docs( capitalisation & formatting
- docs( capitalisation & punctuation
- docs( capitalisation & punctuation
- docs( capitalisation & punctuation
- docs( capitalisation and clarity
- docs( punctuation
- docs( punctuation & capitalisation
- docs( new words
- docs( grammar
- docs( clarity and punctuation
- docs( grammar and clarity
- docs( grammar and clarity
- docs( grammar and clarity
- docs( clarity & capitalisation
- docs( formatting
- docs( punctuation & capitalisation
- docs( grammar and typo fix
- e2e: add custom testcase class to simplify code
- e2e: add more failsafe
- e2e: add more failsafe
- e2e: add more safety checks
- e2e: add OIDC Provider test against grafana, more formatting, minor bug fixes
- e2e: add test for providers/oidc with consent
- e2e: add tests for enrollment with email
- e2e: add tests for oauth and saml provider
- e2e: add tests for SAML source
- e2e: add wait for codemirror
- e2e: cleanup, always take screenshots on teardown
- e2e: cleanup, use USER function instead of typing static strings
- e2e: fix lint error
- e2e: fix linting error
- e2e: improve race-condition
- e2e: rewrite enroll test to use admin interface for setup
- e2e: save screenshot on failure, upload to github actions
- e2e: save screenshots with timestamp instead of class name
- e2e: SeleniumTestCase: add url() to reverse into full URL
- e2e: test against standalone chrome instance, start implementing oidc provider test
- e2e: use class name and timestamp for screenshots
- e2e: use reverse instead of static URLs
- flows: change wording of consent on flows
- flows: fix flow cache not being cleared correctly when stages are saved
- flows: introduce FlowPlan markers, which indicate when a stage needs … (#79)
- flows: save entire GET params from shell executor
- flows/executor: call before pop so we can save plan
- flows/shell: check for elements with autofocus attribute and call .focus();
- Merge branch 'master' into e2e
- Merge branch 'master' into e2e
- Merge branch 'pr/77'
- Merge pull request #42 from BeryJu/e2e
- providers/*: fix plan stages not being injected properly
- providers/oauth: add support for consent stage, cleanup
- providers/oidc: add template for consent
- providers/saml: fix metadata template using wrong templates
- providers/saml: fix provider has no attribute sp_binding
- providers/saml: make metadata accessible without authentication
- providers/saml: make SAML provider compatible with consent
- providers/saml: move templates into correct folder
- root: enable debug logging when testing
- root: fix docker-compose not correctly redirecting to https
- root: improve test detection
- root: move all e2e dependencies into pipfile
- root: update funding
- sources/oauth: fix facebook provider
- sources/saml: correctly cleanup transient users, update forms
- sources/saml: fix SAMLRequest not being encoded properly for Redirect bindings
- sources/saml: improve error handing of invalid signatures
- sources/saml: minor formatting fixes
- sources/saml: start implementing transient NameID format
- stages/consent: add FlowPlan context variable for template name
- stages/email: check saved get params for token
- stages/email: fix email account confirmation email template

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