- proj: implemented the go-spatial/proj package (@meilinger)
- mvt_providers: brought in mvt_postgis enabling support for ST_AsMVT from postgis. (#556 @gdey)
- viewer: the maps layer list can now be hidden (@mapl)
Bug Fixes
- cache seeding: handle map zooms with no layers (#698 @ARolek)
- provider/postgis: fix dropped errors (@alrs)
- server: fix dropped test error (@alrs)
- providers/postgis: When ignoring UnknownGeometryType log the issue (@gdey).
- mvt: Split out Transformation, Simplification, and Clipping from encodeGeometry (#224 @ARolek).
- mvt: remove local mvt package and vendor from geom (@ear7h)
- basic: remove tegola.Geometry type from basic.ToWebMercator (#622 @ear7h)
- basic: normalized table tests to style of table tests (@gdey)
Breaking Changes