github go-goyave/goyave v5.0.0-preview4
Pre-release v5.0.0-preview4

latest releases: v5.5.0, v5.4.3, v5.4.2...
pre-release15 months ago
  • Use, which is a fork of jinzhu/copier. This fixes a few issues in the original library.
  • Added the ability to get and replace a request's context.Context using request.Context() and request.WithContext().
  • typeutil.Undefined now implements Scan, allowing it to be copied both ways.
  • typeutil.Undefined now allows non-pointer types to implement CopyValue() and Value()
  • Slog: change default output to os.Stderr
  • Configuration: rename server.websocketTimeout to server.websocketCloseTimeout so it is more expressive.
  • Setting configuration entry server.port to 0 will now assign an automatically chosen port. The actual port used can be retrieved with server.Host() or server.Port().
  • Added back the websocket package and upgraded it for v5. The example project has a v5 branch showcasing how to use the feature.

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