github gitleaks/gitleaks v6.0.0

latest releases: v8.18.4, v8.18.3, v8.18.2...
3 years ago

What's New


SARIF support:

This release adds Oasis SARIF support with --report-format=sarif which will write your report with a sarif schema. Note this is the first implementation of gitleaks+sarif so if anyone has any suggestions or wanted changes please open a PR.

Config update:

Users can now include a regular expressions in a global allow list. This is potentially useful if your code is riddled with example credentials and secrets. Below is a sample config which demonstrates how this can be used:

	description = "AWS Manager ID"
	regex = '''(A3T[A-Z0-9]|AKIA|AGPA|AIDA|AROA|AIPA|ANPA|ANVA|ASIA)[A-Z0-9]{16}'''
	tags = ["key", "AWS"]

	description = "global allowlists"
	files = [
	regexes = [

This example will consider the line aws_access_key_id='AKIAIO5FODNN7EXAMPLE' #example credential a leak whereas aws_access_key_id='AKIAIO5FODNN7EXAMPLE' #gitleaks:allow" would not be considered a leak as it has the comment #gitleaks:allow which matches on the global allowlist presented above.

Breaking Changes

This PR also includes some breaking changes to the configuration file hence the bump to v6.

v5 config:

  description = "a string describing one of many rule in this config"
  regex = '''one-go-style-regex-for-this-rule''' 
  filenameregex = '''a-file-name-regex'''
  filepathregex = '''a-file-path-regex'''
  tags = ["tag","another tag"]
  [[rules.entropies]] # note these are strings, not floats
    Min = "3.5"
    Max = "4.5"
    Group = "1"
    description = "a string"
    file = '''one-file-name-regex'''
    path = '''one-file-path-regex'''
    regex = '''one-regex-within-the-already-matched-regex'''
  description = "a description string for only _ONE_ allowlist config"
  commits = [ "commit-A", "commit-B"]
  files = [ '''file-regex-a''', '''file-regex-b''']
  paths = [ '''path-regex-a''', '''path-regex-b''']
  repos = [ '''repo-regex-a''', '''repo-regex-b''']

v6 config:

  description = "a string describing one of many rule in this config"
  regex = '''one-go-style-regex-for-this-rule''' 
  file = '''a-file-name-regex''' # this changed!
  path = '''a-file-path-regex'''  # this changed!
  tags = ["tag","another tag"]
  [[rules.entropies]] # note these are strings, not floats
    Min = "3.5"
    Max = "4.5"
    Group = "1"
  [rules.allowlist]  # this changed! No longer an array of tables. It's just a table.
    description = "a string"
    files = ['''one-file-name-regex''']  # this changed!
    paths = ['''one-file-path-regex''']  # this changed!
    regexes = ['''one-regex-within-the-already-matched-regex''']  # this changed!

  description = "a description string for a global allowlist config"
  commits = [ "commit-A", "commit-B"]
  files = [ '''file-regex-a''', '''file-regex-b''']
  paths = [ '''path-regex-a''', '''path-regex-b''']
  repos = [ '''repo-regex-a''', '''repo-regex-b''']
  regexes = ['''one-regex-within-the-already-matched-regex''']  # this added!

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