6.3.2 (2025-03-13)
Bug Fixes
- add default filter with empty prefix due to changes in AWS Provider 5.90.0 (1ba9dcc) @bdandoy
- lambda: bump @aws-sdk/client-ec2 in /lambdas in the aws group (b9238aa)
- lambda: bump axios from 1.7.7 to 1.8.3 in /lambdas (72e6579)
- lambda: bump axios from 1.7.9 to 1.8.2 in /lambdas (3068a66)
- lambda: bump the aws-powertools group in /lambdas with 4 updates (83ae151)
Attestation url: https://github.com/github-aws-runners/terraform-aws-github-runner/attestations/5558696
Verify the artifacts by running gh attest verify <name_of_artifact> --repo github-aws-runners/terraform-aws-github-runner