github getsentry/sentry-php 4.0.0

latest releases: 4.9.0, 4.8.1, 4.8.0...
11 months ago

The Sentry SDK team is thrilled to announce the immediate availability of Sentry PHP SDK v4.0.0.

Breaking Change

Please refer to the guide for a complete list of breaking changes.

  • This version exclusively uses the envelope endpoint to send event data to Sentry.

    If you are using, no action is needed.
    If you are using an on-premise/self-hosted installation of Sentry, the minimum requirement is now version >= v20.6.0.

  • You need to have ext-curl installed to use the SDK.

  • The IgnoreErrorsIntegration integration was removed. Use the ignore_exceptions option instead.

        'ignore_exceptions' => [BadThingsHappenedException::class],

    This option performs an is_a check now, so you can also ignore more generic exceptions.


  • Add new fluent APIs (#1601)

    // Before
    $transactionContext = new TransactionContext();
    $transactionContext->setName('GET /example');
    // After
    $transactionContext = (new TransactionContext())
        ->setName('GET /example');
  • Simplify the breadcrumb API (#1603)

    // Before
        new \Sentry\Breadcrumb(
            'auth',                // category
            'User authenticated',  // message (optional)
            ['user_id' => $userId] // data (optional)
    // After
        category: 'auth', 
        message: 'User authenticated', // optional
        metadata: ['user_id' => $userId], // optional
        level: Breadcrumb::LEVEL_INFO, // set by default
        type: Breadcrumb::TYPE_DEFAULT, // set by default
  • New logger option (#1625)

    To make it easier to debug the internals of the SDK, the logger option now accepts a Psr\Log\LoggerInterface instance.
    We do provide two implementations, Sentry\Logger\DebugFileLogger and Sentry\Logger\DebugStdOutLogger.

    // This logs messages to the provided file path
        'logger' => new DebugFileLogger(filePath: ROOT . DS . 'sentry.log'),
    // This logs messages to stdout
        'logger' => new DebugStdOutLogger(),
  • New default cURL HTTP client (#1589)

    The SDK now ships with its own HTTP client based on cURL. A few new options were added.

        'http_proxy_authentication' => 'username:password', // user name and password to use for proxy authentication
        'http_ssl_verify_peer' => false, // default true, verify the peer's SSL certificate
        'http_compression' => false, // default true, http request body compression

    To use a different client, you may use the http_client option.

    use Sentry\Client;
    use Sentry\HttpClient\HttpClientInterface;
    use Sentry\HttpClient\Request;
    use Sentry\HttpClient\Response;
    use Sentry\Options;
    $httpClient = new class() implements HttpClientInterface {
        public function sendRequest(Request $request, Options $options): Response
            // your custom implementation
            return new Response($response->getStatusCode(), $response->getHeaders(), '');
        'http_client' => $httpClient,

    To use a different transport, you may use the transport option. A custom transport must implement the TransportInterface.
    If you use the transport option, the http_client option has no effect.


  • The abandoned package php-http/message-factory was removed.

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