github getsentry/sentry-laravel 4.0.0

latest releases: 4.9.0, 4.8.0, 4.7.1...
10 months ago

The Sentry SDK team is thrilled to announce the immediate availability of Sentry Laravel SDK v4.0.0.

Breaking Change

This version adds support for the underlying Sentry PHP SDK v4.0.
Please refer to the PHP SDK sentry-php/ guide for a complete list of breaking changes.

  • This version exclusively uses the envelope endpoint to send event data to Sentry.

    If you are using, no action is needed.
    If you are using an on-premise/self-hosted installation of Sentry, the minimum requirement is now version >= v20.6.0.

  • You need to have ext-curl installed to use the SDK.

  • The IgnoreErrorsIntegration integration was removed. Use the ignore_exceptions option instead.

    // config/sentry.php
    'ignore_exceptions' => [BadThingsHappenedException::class],

    This option performs an is_a check now, so you can also ignore more generic exceptions.


  • Enable distributed tracing for outgoing HTTP client requests (#797)

    This feature is only available on Laravel >= 10.14.
    When making a request using the Laravel Http facade, we automatically attach the sentry-trace and baggage headers.

    This behaviour can be controlled by setting trace_propagation_targets in your config/sentry.php file.

    // config/sentry.php
    // All requests will contain the tracing headers. This is the default behaviour.
    'trace_propagation_targets' => null,
    // To turn this feature off completely, set the option to an empty array.
    'trace_propagation_targets' => [],
    // To only attach these headers to some requests, you can allow-list certain hosts.
    'trace_propagation_targets' => [

    Please make sure to remove any custom code that injected these headers previously.
    If you are using the Sentry\Tracing\GuzzleTracingMiddleware provided by our underlying PHP SDK, you must also remove it.

  • Add support for Laravel Livewire 3 (#798)

    The SDK now creates traces and breadcrumbs for Livewire 3 as well.
    Both the class-based and Volt usage are supported.

    // config/sentry.php
    'breadcrumbs' => [
        // Capture Livewire components in breadcrumbs
        'livewire' => true,
    'tracing' => [
        // Capture Livewire components as spans
        'livewire' => true,
  • Add new fluent APIs (#1601)

    // Before
    $spanContext = new SpanContext();
    // After
    $spanContext = (new SpanContext())
  • Simplify the breadcrumb API (#1603)

    // Before
        new \Sentry\Breadcrumb(
            'auth',                // category
            'User authenticated',  // message (optional)
            ['user_id' => $userId] // data (optional)
    // After
        category: 'auth',
        message: 'User authenticated', // optional
        metadata: ['user_id' => $userId], // optional
        level: Breadcrumb::LEVEL_INFO, // set by default
        type: Breadcrumb::TYPE_DEFAULT, // set by default
  • New default cURL HTTP client (#1589)


  • The abandoned package php-http/message-factory was removed.

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