github getsentry/sentry-java 7.6.0

latest releases: 7.12.0-alpha.3, 8.0.0-alpha.3, 7.11.0...
3 months ago


  • Experimental: Add support for Sentry Developer Metrics (#3205, #3238, #3248, #3250)
    Use the Metrics API to track processing time, download sizes, user signups, and conversion rates and correlate them back to tracing data in order to get deeper insights and solve issues faster. Our API supports counters, distributions, sets, gauges and timers, and it's easy to get started:
          "button_login_click", // key
          1.0,                  // value
          null,                 // unit
          mapOf(                // tags
              "provider" to "e-mail"
    To learn more about Sentry Developer Metrics, head over to our Java and Android docs page.

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